Chapter 23: Worst Case Scenario

Start from the beginning

The room observes us sit on the couch, looking at the floor, holding hands. We are in the same page, and that page is resignation.

After a while, he breaks the silence, "I love you too." A whisper filled with vulnerability.


"I didn't say it back before."

"Yeah, that hurt a bit," I chuckle.

"Well, it's not my fault that your timing is shit," he half smiles, which brings new air to the atmosphere.

"Yeah, sorry about that," I lean to him, letting him embrace me from behind, "I love you, though."

"I love you," he kisses my head, "That's why I can't lose you," he says, his voice barely above a whisper.

I turn around in his embrace, my eyes meeting his intense gaze, "I'll never stop loving you, just, from a far." I try to comfort him, and myself, "I'll read the news, collect your bounties, and see you grow into the best swordsman in the world. That's all I want for you. It's fine."

"That's not what I want."

Part of me longs to give in, to embrace the possibility of a life intertwined with Zoro's.

"I know. But that's what we have."

The room is hushed, the air heavy with unspoken emotions. Our eyes meet, carrying the weight of our farewell. I lean in, closing the distance between us. The kiss is slow, tender, and filled with a depth of feeling that words cannot convey.

Our lips touch, and a surge of bittersweet sensation courses through me. It's a kiss of sorrow, as if we're tasting the impending loss that hangs over us. Every movement of our lips is imbued with a sense of finality, as if we're trying to capture and preserve the essence of our love in this one fleeting moment.

A mix of emotions swirls within me - sadness, uncertainty, but also a glimmer of hope. I've accepted my fate. It's okay. I can live with whatever happens to me if it means giving Zoro an opportunity to reach his dreams, to live happily.

We hold each other tightly, finding solace in each other's presence. The weight of my decision hangs heavy in the air, but there's a sense of unity and understanding between us, and that all I could ask for my final moments with him.

As the clock ticks closer to midnight, we remain locked in an embrace, cherishing our final moments together on the Sunny.

When the time comes, I have to use all my will to untangle from his embrace, tears flowing now with no restraints. Zoro doesn't let go at first, but then complies.

I take my bag and head to the door, "Take care, Zoro."


On the other side of the door, I take a deep breath and try and calm myself.

Trying not to think about my heart shreading with each step I take, I walk towards the point agreed, the back of the Sunny, and sure enough the little ugly ship of the marines is waiting for me not too far. I can see it even with the night sky. I wait to see if they were going to get closer, but it seems I'll have to get to them. They seem to be wary of getting closer. Fucking cowards.

I truly didn't want this, but something tells me there is no other way. I pull my hair in a ponytail, secure my bag and jump in the icy water, immediately regretting the decision.

As I draw closer, the lights of the marine ship illuminate the surrounding darkness, casting an ominous glow on the water's surface. With every stroke, the realization sinks in-This is it. This is the beginning of a totally new, and dreadful existence. But I don't feel this idea as constricting as before.

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