Chapter 16: Family Matters

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It can't be. He's at home, managing financial affairs, unaware of my existence, isn't he? And yet I could have sworn that the tuxedoed wimp sounded exactly like my brother.

Pulling the knife away from the guy's throat, I make him look at me, grabbing him by the lapel collar of the gold jacket: "Deliops?"

He's taller, his blond hair is longer than I remember, but even under the night sky it's obvious I'm standing in front of him, which doesn't make this any less strange, "How did you... When...?"

"Could you drop the suit, please? You're wrinkling it," he slaps my hand. I reluctantly let go, still in shock.

Deliops' expression changes in an instant, a broad white smile takes me by surprise, "Oh, sister, I can't put into words how wonderful it is to see you!"

"I'm glad to see you too..." My voice trails off as I look down at the binoculars he holds, "Why...Why are you about to attack the Sunny?"

The scream that heralds a friendly catastrophe drowns out Deliops' reply, "Rubber Rubber..."

Shit. I forgot.

"Luffy, wait!" I wave my hands in the air, trying to get him to see me, "Don't!"

The guards who had earlier stopped their movement come back to life, and the echo of their rifles preparing for battle rages behind me, until I hear my brother's shouts, "Put your weapons down!"

Just in time, because the rubber boy lands on the deck with an ungraceful tumble, and gets up smiling, though with clear signs of having been kicked out of bed recently.

"Oh?" Luffy yawns, "You know these guys, Iris?"

"Yes! Luffy, this is my brother, Deliops," the introduction is accompanied by a hand gesture, "Deliops, this is my captain, Monkey D. Luffy."

"Wow, I didn't know you had a brother! Hi!" beaming, Luffy places a hand on Deliops' shoulder, which my brother receives wrinkling his nose, "He's got freckles too!"

"Pleasure's mine," Deliops pulls away from Luffy, but the rubber hand on his shoulder stretches out, "Would you let go?" he politely requests, baring his teeth.

"Hey, you've got a snot!" Luffy chuckles, oblivious. I can see Deliops' face of complete indignation, and honestly, it's hilarious.

"Sorry about that," I laugh out loud, "he can be painfully honest sometimes."

"Certainly..." Deliops glares at Luffy. As he turns fully around to see me, again, his expression shifts to a welcoming smile, "You look splendid, Iris. A real lady. Though I certainly didn't expect you to actively participate in violence."

"Yeah, sorry about that," I carry my hand to the back of my neck, a bit embarrassed, "I was trying to buy time by taking a hostage, and well, you know. My bad." Who would've thought the posh guy in a marine ship was my beloved brother though.

Grabbing Luffy in half hug, I exclaim, "But look, I'm a pirate now! Just like I always wanted!"

Luffy shares my enthusiasm, "Yes! Iris is our crewmate. She's the best at throwing knives and painting!"

"I see, quite a...development," it's palpable in his tone that he's not pleased to hear that at all, however, he still maintains his smile. "I'm just glad you're safe and sound. Look at you! Your reappearance will be the boost in popularity the company needs!"

Deliops, the same old Deliops. I still remember how he played around with that monocle that I found in our father's office. He would wear it and imagine he was counting billions of beries, trying to get our nanny to pay for imaginary stuff. Poor thing, friendship and love were always second to the bank business, that's how he was raised. Still, I know he cares.

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