Chapter 1

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Rays of sunlight were falling through the enchanted windows inside the Ministry, reflecting the real weather on the outside, while an anxious Harry Potter, escorted by his two best friends, was running through the corridors of the Ministry of Magic, all of them covered under his Cloak. He didn't send any letters, or advise, that he was going to testify to the Malfoys' trial.

This was the second time for him to be in front of the Wizengamot, and he was really hoping that this would have gone better than the first one. Ron and Hermione were there mostly for emotional support, but they were also prepared in case Harry needed back up, although it was almost out of the question.

They were walking in silence when voices began to be heard in the distance, they should have been near the courtroom. Indeed, after a turn to the left, they saw light coming from an opened door, shining bright on the black tiled floor and walls of the corridors of the Ministry of Magic.

Soon they stood, watching as the three Malfoys were seated in front of the whole Wizengamot, Lucius being slightly farther than his son and his wife. After some moments, a man, with a long black beard started to speak: 'The accused being present - finally - let us begin'.

Harry listened, as every member of the Wizengamot looked to the Malfoys with contempt, as if almost half of them didn't happily involved themselves with what Lucius Malfoy had done through the years. It was almost hilarious - he thought - as they were treating the Malfoys as scum, when they were not better.

And soon enough, his opportunity arose.

'Do you, Lucius Malfoy, confirm that you were indeed in the most trusted rangs of the Death Eaters, supporting Tom Orvoloson Riddle's ideals and actions?'

'Yes, I was, but-'.

'And for you, Narcissa Malfoy, do you confirm that you were there, watching your husband's actions, without reporting anything throughout the years?'

'I did what I did to protect my son.'

'Yet, you still didn't run away when you could, did you?'

'You don't understand the situat-'.

'When in comes to Draco Malfoy, do you confirm that you have taken the Dark Mark after having turned seventeen, and tried to kill Albus Dumbledore multiple times, as it was ordered to you by the Dark Lord himself?'

'I forced him, Your Honor.' - said a wan Lucius.

'I-I tried, yes, Your Honor.' - whispered the most pale and spirited version of Draco Malfoy that Harry had ever seen. He was even worse than how he was in sixth year, and that was deep. Harry couldn't believe at how the Wizengamot was treating this trial, after all of what they had done in the past. Surely the Malfoys weren't the best people in the whole world, but Draco and Narcissa did really save Harry's life during the battle, and before.

'With that being said, and without any other evidence on your innocence, I, and the whole Court of the Wizen-'

'Is funny, isn't it?' - spatted Harry Potter, emerging from under his Cloak and entering the room, going to stand in front of the whole Wizengamot, while whispers and crys could be heard around the whole courtroom - 'How you all stay there, judging other people actions, without even realising how you are the last people who could judge them, left said every other person in the whole Magic World'.

'They do have a witness, and even more than one, if you need another opinion apart from the one of the man that saved you all and gave you the opportunity to live after May 2nd.' and then, he continued: 'I, Harry James Potter, would like to testify to this trial, as soon as possible. I have other things that need to be done, and talking to the Wizengamot, after they almost got me into Azkaban for saving my Muggle cousin's life with a Patronus Charm ins't my favourite.'

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