A perfect world - Natasha Romanoff

344 7 11

word count: 923


"What happens now?"

The grasshoppers are chirping in the freshly-cut grass, birds are singing their melodies. A long plain stretches in front of us while we sit on some wooden chairs. Neighbouring houses are painted perfectly white, just like ours.

Daisies are growing on the lawn.

"Y/n? Do you want a protein shake?"

I turn towards the house: "Yes, please!"

The benches are white, with some blue stripes. The roads are clean, there is no garbage to be seen. The temperature is around 70 degrees, but whenever the bright suns shine down, it gets warmer.

The sunsets here are amazing. In the west, sets our yellow star- just like on Earth. But here, a few degrees up north sets our red sun. It's not even close to the temperature of our yellow star, but oh does it add to the sunset drama.

As the red sun sets first, in the mornings, with the sunrises, the whole planet will look red for the first three hours. It caused us all to have a free red-light therapy session in the morning.

Nat enjoys it. I prefer watching the sky after the suns set. It stays pretty clear for a really long time. Close to us is another planet with rings that stretch over billions of miles in radius. Although the planet itself is extremely far away, we get to see its rings every night.

Three moons circle our planet- America, Stark and Maximova. Yes, in honour of Steve, Tony and Pietro.

Honestly, how Natasha and I ended up here is still a mystery. We ruled out the possibility of it being the afterlife because the others would be here.

All we know is that after being thrown from the cliff so that the soul stone could be retrieved, we woke up here.

In a perfect world.

Where everyone knows our friends, the people we grew up with. But they don't know us.

Nat tries to go on with life. But I question it every day. They teach the same things in the schools as on Earth. Social media doesn't exist.

People read books here.

You can be whatever you want. But everyone is searching for their lost life, the one they left behind. The only way out is a ship that goes one way.

There's no coming back and it leaves every month with about five passengers that never return. The people call it Destiny.

Nat walks out onto the terrace and hands me my shake: "Here. I'm heading over to the gym, you wanna come with me?"

I don't answer. She sits down next to me.

"What are you thinking about?" she asks, knowing fully well that my answer is the same and always will be.


"What is it this time; the fact that we have two suns, three moons, no one knows us, everyone knows us, or something new?"

I look up at the moons. They're beautiful. They're not grey at all. One of them has a blue shine, the other two are rather silver-looking. They shine.

"No," I say, "this time it's the fact that this might be the after life; and the others simply took the Destiny ship."

Nat sighs. She takes a sip of her drink and leans back, looking at our exotic night sky.

"You're right," she says.

"That's a first."

She rolls her eyes at me and sits back up, setting her drink down to stand up and look at me. She sticks a hand out: "Come on."

I grab her hand and follow her down the lawn to the plain stretching for miles before us. We walk for what feels like hours, only to still be able to see our house from afar.

There are no trees here, but oh are there flowers.

We stop at a large round doorway. It's made out of stone. Nat opens the door and steps in. It's a cemetery.

"What?" I whisper to myself.

We continue walking until we reach three larger headstones at the far end of the place.

"What's this?" I ask.

Nat picks three flowers and gives them to me: "The first three to cross with the Destiny ship."

I grab them and close the distance between me and the stones. A light gasp leaves my mouth.

Steven Grant Rogers. Leader. Soldier. Gentleman.

Tony Edward Stark. Genius. Scientist. Father.

Pietro Django Maximoff. Protector. Saviour. Brother.

After putting the flowers down I look back at Nat: "How?"

"They set the example even after death, Y/n. They were heroes, even in the after life."

I feel a tear slip down my cheeks when thinking about them.

Nat pulls me in for a hug: "And now it's your turn. Go. Get the ship. Find them. Hug your family again."

"What about you?" I ask.

"I'll be here when you come back," she smiles.

"What? Nat?"

She disappeared.


I turn in circles. She's just gone.

"Y/n! Y/n! Wake up!"


I open my eyes to see Nat standing over me, shaking me awake. It takes a while for me to comprehend what's happening, but she holds onto me until I do.

"Fun dream?" she smirks, making me smile.

"Come on, you fell asleep after lunch? What are you, five? The guys are just about to start another game. You should join them."

I stay on my bed, staring out of the open door, but not seeing anything.

"Are they all there?" I ask.

"What do you mean? Of course, Tony is making drinks, Steve is shuffling the cards, Clint and Pietro are having a staring contest, Thor and Loki are fighting and Wanda and Banner are comparing their powers. Bucky and Sam are laughing about some perverted jokes and Strange is trying to figure out what exactly it is that makes the Guardians so special."

Multiple tears stream down my face. I smile.

They're all here.

I'm home.


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