Lost - Thor Odinson

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this one is set after Infinity War, after Loki's and half the universe's death.

'tis about to get painful


"Thor!" I shout, running towards him as he steps into the cold compound. He's alive. My brother is alive.

He embraces me in a tight hug and lifts me up from the ground.

But I can't help but hear him sniffle.

I pull back and look into his eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask, my voice trembling.

He doesn't answer but looks into my eyes, giving me a look that I've seen too many times before.

Thor's whole body is shaking, his hands find their way to my face.

He leans his forehead against mine.

"He- he's gone." he whispers and I immediately feel a pain shoot through my body.

Tears flow down my cheeks and I sniffle.

"No, he can't- he- he promised he'd come back." I cry, holding onto Thor's arms.

He knows how dangerous I can get when I'm in pain, but violence is the worst we can do right now.

I clench my fist, hitting Thor's chest while I press my eyes shut.

"No, no, no. He promised he'd come back, he promised me!" I shout.

I sob into Thor's shoulder as I hug him again.

He holds me with his strong arms, protecting me from reality.

Some people walk past us, patting Thor's shoulder.

At last, I see a Raccoon enter the building and he shakes his head with a sad look.

It leaves as well, leaving me and Thor alone in the livingroom of the compound.

We sit down on the sofa, holding each other's hands.

I stare down at them for a while before speaking.

"If the light of the sun were to ever be upon his skin again, let it shine as never before.

Let his eyes see the truth and be relieved of all lies.

Let his pain leave his body so that he can fly into Valhalla without a burden.

Loki of Jotunheim, Loki of Asgard, Son of Laufey, Son of Odin, may you rest in peace, may you sleep until never bothered again.

May the light shine on you once more.

May the gods guide you into a better place.

And if you were to ever look back down at us, know that we loved you.

That we will not let you go forgotten.

That you will always be with us.

Until the end."

I sigh after saying that and look up at Thor's crushed face.

His expression is hurt. Angry but tired at the same time.

"Thor?" I ask quietly.

His weary eyes meet mine.

"This time it was real, y/n. This time he really is gone."

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