Celebration - The Guardians

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"Shh, Rocket get down!" Peter says, pushing the Raccoon's head down.

"What! I'm hiding already, don't make me blast you."

"Oh please, you'd never do it, you know you love me."

"Yeah right."

"Shut it you guys!" I say, silencing them.

We wait in the bridge of the ship, waiting for Groot to come back.

It's his birthday, and to celebrate, we're throwing him a surprise party with his favorite things:

A mini water-fountain for him to drain,

A dancefloor, which was obviously Peter's idea,

My idea, a photobooth,

All of Drax's favorite snacks,

and Gamora made him a tiny suit.

Rocket refused to do anything but he helped me build the booth.

All of us are hiding after we took the blankets off the booth and turned off all the lights.

It's extremely quiet except for the sound of Drax eating snacks out of a bag.

There's no way to make him stop. He threatened to break the booth so I stopped talking.

Mantis is the most quiet one. She built the water-fountain and made it look beautiful.

Gamora and I are hiding behind the pilot seat, crouching on the floor, ready to jump out.

"Did you talk to Peter?" I whisper so that the others can't hear.

"About what?" she asks.

"Don't play dumb on me. Did you?"

She sighs.

"You chickened out." I say.

She gives me a dirty look but nods.

"Dance with him." I say quietly, a little hesitant because, well, this is fucking Gamora daughter of Thanos we're talking about.

Deadliest woman in the galaxy.

"No, are you crazy?"

Peter pokes my shoulder.

"Hey, here he comes." he says.

Groot steps into the empty-looking bridge and we all jump out yelling 'Surprise'.

He jumps but smiles and laughs, Peter turning on the music.

I rush over to him and pick him up, placing him on my shoulder.

"Happy Birthday buddy!"

"I am Groot!" he answers, smiling.

Gamora and Rocket rush over to turn on the lights in the bridge.

Peter is already dancing to his playlist and Drax is smiling. Probably at how 'ridiculous' Peter looks.

"We got all of your favorite, bud." I say to Groot, showing him the water-fountain, the snacks and the photobooth.

He frowns at it.

"Yeah that was my thought as well when she told me the idea." Rocket says, his arms crossed over his chest.

Groot laughs and I lightly push Rocket.

He grins up at me and I put Groot down, and walk over to Gamora.

"Go." I only says, walking over to the snacks.

"Hey!" Drax says when I grab some of his bag.

I smile at him, giving him a wink.

He laughs loudly and I smile.

This is my family.

We're happy here.

From the corner of my eye I see Groot downing the whole fountain, draining the water from it.

Rocket is laughing while he watches, Peter finally grabbed Gamora's hand and is dancing with her.

Drax and Mantis are laughing together.

This is what keeps me happy.

This family. These people.

I close my eyes, keeping this memory in my mind.

When I open them again, I see Peter leaning in to kiss Gamora.

I smile when they kiss and sigh. They deserve so much.

And yet we have so little time.

"Hey! Let's take a picture!" I say, and they all come over to the booth.

"All right. Drax, you sit here, Mantis you next to him, Peter and Gamora in the middle, Groot with Rocket and I'll sit next to you right here." I explain.

I walk over to the camera and turn the right settings on before sitting down next to Rocket.

"Smile!" I shout before the light flashes.

Drax screams shockedly and I gets up, rubbing his eyes.

"My eyes! They've been taken by the devils of that deadly light!"

Gamora rolls her eyes at his drama.

I rush over to see the picture and smile.

Drax's face is in shock, Mantis looks lost, Peter is smiling at Gamora and she's smirking towards the camera.

Groot's arms are in the air, cheering and Rocket is rolling his eyes at him while I laugh at Groot, looking down at him.

The perfect family picture.

Later that night I printed it out and hung it up in the bridge where everyone can see it.

I never want to leave this place.

Not ever.

There's no other place where I'll be as happy as here.

This is the place where I belong.

My home.


this one's shorter but makes me feel so happy

what do you think?

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