Shaking - Dr. Strange

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My feet hit the ground as I walk towards the door. The door.

The door into the realm of sorcerers. The Sorcerer Supreme's lair.

To meet Dr. Stephen Vincent Strange.

What happened to me is similar to what happened to him, so when I went to Kamar Taj, they told me to come looking for Strange.

I got in a car accident some weeks ago, hitting my hands in the glass and not being able to move them without them shaking anymore.

I had lots of procedures and in the end I got out, but couldn't play my instrument anymore, which was my passion.

I had been playing the harp for over ten years, but now my hands don't have the strength to pull the strings.

When I get to the doors, they suddenly open by themselves.

No one is standing there, so I enter the building and look around the big hall.

The stairs that lead up to other rooms, two doors on each side of the hall.

My attention is fixed on the interior design and I don't hear someone step to the stairs at the top.

"I'm surprised you found the place."

I jump at the sound and turn around to see Strange standing there.

"I- I'm sorry I came in, I saw the symbol by window and the doors opened by themselves, so-"

"It's fine," he interrupts me, "the doors only open to our friends anyway."

"Oh." I say, trying to keep my hands from shaking, but unable to do it.

So I put them in my hoodie's pockets.

Strange frowns. He steps down the stairs and comes towards me.

His elegant, long steps make him look even more intimidating.

The deep colour of his eyes pierce my mind, as if he were not only reading my thoughts but changing them to his own.

He stops right in front of me and puts out his hand.

"Dr. Stephen Strange."

I hesitate before slowly giving him my hand, which is shaking devilishly.

"Y/n Y/l/n."

He grabs it, and immediately my hand shakes less. The warmth of his hand makes it more comfortable to talk to him.

He might look like a cold-blooded person, but he's just like any of us. Warm.

"Give me your other hand." he says. I obey his command and get my other hand out of my pocket and let him examine it.

He looks at my scars, long cuts from the tips of my fingers to the base of my hand.

After a while he lets go of them and turns around.

As soon as he lets go, my hands start shaking again.

"Come with me."

I follow him through one of the doors on the ground floor and down the steps into a kind of laboratory, but without technology.

It's full of pots and all kinds of herbs hanging from the ceiling. And something smells burnt. But I don't comment on it.

He walks through the room to the back, where I spot a long hallway filled with bookshelves.

"Wong!" he shouts.

From the back I hear an answer, but I can't see anyone.

"Wait here." Strange says to me.

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