Freeing a Prisoner, Mount Tamalpais, Confrontation

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Calypso was wondering her island carefully watering her plants and talking to herself when she saw a kid fall from the sky. Suddenly the boy twisted and the water rose up like a slide and he slid down in front unceremoniously in front of Calypso. The boy looked dazed but he asked wearily "Calypso?" She just nodded to dazed to speak. His eyes lit up and he smiled. "I arrived at the right place." He mused. He then asked "Calypso do you have any food I could eat before I put my plan into action."

Calypso nodded and asked a wind spirit to get some food for the young man. "Who are you?"

The young man smacked his forehead and held his hand out "I am Percy Jackson, 15 years old. though I am turning 16 soon." he stated. Calypso shook his hand and the wind spirit came back with some food. Which Percy ate with gusto. Calypso then asked quietly "What is your plan?" Percy just blinked before saying calmly "I am going to free you."

Calypso looked at him bitterly "I cannot leave my prison, Son of Poseidon." She heard a growl and looked at the young man who's eyes flashed gold before becoming sea-green again. He growled "Don't associate me with that sea god."

Calypso looked confused but asked "You have water powers? Are you not a son of Poseidon?" He just laughed and said bitterly "I was giving these powers by my new father, as that Sea god left me for a new undamaged son."

Calypso asked curiously "What do you mean undamaged son?" The young man just looked at her, almost analysing her "I had led two wars, so I guess I was damaged goods. Even thought they wouldn't have survived without me." Calypso was about to say something when he finished "It is the truth, without me Olympus would have fallen to the Titans or the Giants." Calypso looked at the young man and saw something in his eyes that broke her heart. This young man had faced betrayal from someone close. His eyes which should have been filled with optimism were filled with grief. He had old eyes but a young body.

Percy offered Calypso a sweet. She took it hesitantly, it tasted like strawberries. Suddenly her mind was assaulted by pictures flashing by her at extreme speeds. She then looked at Percy and hesitantly said "Percy?" He grinned softly and just hugged her. Calypso let Percy hug her and she felt tears dripping down her back. She looked up and saw tears falling down his cheeks. She remembered what Percy had told her and she just hugged him letting him cry.

5 minutes later,

"Percy how do you intend to get us off of here?" He just smiled and his face went blank. a minute later he zoned back in to see Calypso with her hands on her hips, "What was that about, mister?" Percy just pointed upwards. Calypso followed were he was pointing and saw a circular hole in the sky. Percy said softly "That is a hole in your prison, we have 1 hour before Chaos has to close the hole. So grab what you want and I will be waiting for you when you are ready." Before she left she turned to Percy and asked "What of Leo?"

Percy replied "Once I have finished the quest I am on currently I am going to recover a certain amount of people for my team as per request of my father and Chaos." Calypso took in a deep breath "You mean Chaos the creator?" Percy just nodded she continued, "Who is your father?" Percy sighed "My father is Fera, the Primordial of Beasts, Monsters and Animals. And you should start packing." He said with no room to argue. She just quickly ran around gathering what she wanted.

45 minutes later,

Percy glanced at his watch. Apparently 1 and 1/2 days had passed since the Talos incident so therefore they quest group should either be approaching Annabeth's father's house or on there way to Mount Tamalpais. Calypso came out with her stuff being carried by a wind spirit. Calypso questioned "How are we going to leave?" Percy grinned and Calypso marveled as he changed into a griffin before letting out a low screech and lowering onto his front legs. Calypso got on and suddenly a message appeared in her mind.

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