precious bean

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my precious, you say. my bean. open your eyes to a world yet to be seen.

in the madness you found yourself when you went astray, when you're caught in the gray,

in the darkness of blinding regret, and when you sway,

away from the path you were rightfully on, let me be the light you stumbled upon,

let me lead you back home, to a place you're safe and sound, to a place that you can be found,


let my bright light burn, to let you return, until you're finally in my arms once more,

and i won't let go, not this time, hold on tight, let's count to four,

dry your eyes, my bean, you're not a machine,

all will be well, let me tell, what your eyes can't yet see,

you're safe with me.

you were trapped in a nightmare, no escape in sight, but in your eyes, tears glister in the night


of the moon that shines through the window, caught in limbo,

demons came and took your mind, your soul, your being as whole, mending your heart like a fragile clay sculpture, those vultures, those evils, true maddening monster,

they left you to wander,

alone, in the dark, your body shaking, your heart breaking, vulnerable, theirs for the taking,

your eyes can't see, but thoughts remain,

of sorrow and pain, driving you insane, but you don't complain and you refrain,

from making any noise, though whispers escape, take shape, ever so brittle, so little,

still my hand reaches out, touches you, you come to,

to cry out, you're filled with doubt, of what had just happened,

so i lay you in my lap and,

tell you once more, as before,

until you now can see, you're always safe with me.

* * *

thanks for being my light.

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