soulless nights

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i want to sit on moonlit rooftops, watching the smoke escape my rum soaked lips. i want to sit on moonlit rooftops, listening to the enchanting melodies of progressive black metal. i want to sit on moonlit rooftops, gazing at the world bathing in neon signs and darkened alleys, seemingly so small. i want to sit on moonlit rooftops, talking my heart out, talking about what i think about everything that exists in this depraved world, talking about who i truly am, emerging myself fully in arcane conversation, if i knew you would forget by dawn. i want to lie on moonlit sheets, exploring your body completely, every inch covered in galaxy bruises and rough, raw bites that are gently kissed afterwards.
i want to lose myself in a soulless night, free of earthly bounds and morals.

and when the sun dares to illuminate the skyline another day, painting the sky with ruby red and golden strokes, i want to stand on the tallest building and strecht my arms wide. i want to close my eyes and feel the warmth on my face. i want to bask in all its glory, thoughtless and numbingly content, and then i want to rewind time to do it all once more. or twice.

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