"Master Jedi, I am very sorry about any inconvenience in your landing, we heard nothing from the senate about an inquisition?" The elder was polite but it was clear he held no true respect or live for the Jedi never mind one so young.

"That is because I was not sent by the senate." Raidens face remained calm and his voice even, but his eyes relayed a warning, he was not to be trifled with lightly.

"Then what exactly are you doing here?" The man questioned, a certain harshness entering his voice but still remaining cordial for the most part.

"My Master and I suffered an ordeal at the hands of warriors in Mandalorian armour, she died." Raiden replied and rendered the man speechless

"You don't mean to imply that Duke Kryze was somehow responsible for such an act occurring?" The old man asked shocked and insulted

"Of course not, but I wish to speak with the Duke and wait for the Jedi to retrieve me." Raiden said and the situation calmed a little.

"Then I will escort you to Duke Kryze." He said before turning and walking away, Raiden following

The dome city was beautiful. The Dukes estate even more so. The lush greenery surrounding the tall imposing steel structures. It was a thin veil of peace covering the warrior culture. Eventually Raiden found himself entering the throne room. Adonai Kryze, the Duke of Mandalore sat upon his white throne, two young girls at his side and standing between the girls was an older woman.

"Master Jedi, I bid you welcome." He spoke calmly from his throne

"And your hospitality is greatly appreciated." Raiden answered with all the grace and politeness that Dooku insisted a Jedi should present.

"My name is Adonai Kryze, the Duke of Mandalore, these are my daughters Satine, and Bo-Katan. And this is my wife Elisif." The Duke introduced himself, his daughters and his wife.

"And I am Jedi Padawan Raiden Skywalker, it is a pleasure to meet you and your family." Raiden introduced himself continuing his polite tone.

"A Padawan without a Master? What exactly are you doing at my estate young Jedi." The Dukes tone remained even but Raiden could hear a tinge of suspicion.

"My Master was killed four years ago, not far from here by Mandalorian warriors and I was abducted." The Dukes face lost all emotion and his eyes turned steely.

"You think my Father was involved! How dare you!" The shout came from a young girl. Her fiery red hair matched the heat in her eyes and voice.

Her older sister placed a calming hand on her shoulder and her mother sent a glare her way, as if to say 'watch you tongue girl'. And it worked. She calmed slightly and instead stared angrily at the young Jedi Padawan in from of her.

"I am of the same mind as my daughter, do you believe I was involved?" The Duke asked after a few moments of silence.

"No, I have dealt with the conspirators myself." Raiden responded his voice cold and calculated.

He reached into his robes and grabbed a handful of tags. He tossed the tags to the throne, causing the guards to place hands on their weapons. The Duke caught the tags and began inspecting the names before he suddenly stopped and stared at one in particular. Torrig Vizsla. An old friend.

"This man was my friend, a long time ago." The Duke announced

"Did he die well?" The Duke asked softly

"No, he died before he knew I was there, it was him that killed my Master, I regret nothing." The guards tensed waiting for their Dukes orders and Raidens hand found his Lightsaber hilt in his robes.

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