Breaking free

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A robed figure stalked through the darkness of Dathomir. Their features were masked in shadow from their hood. They seemed to blend into the shadows in which they walked as their black robes billowed in the darkness. Suddenly they stopped. Their head snapped towards a sound in the distance and they tensed like a caragor that's found it's prey.

It was a Mandalorian that drew the attention of the shadowy figure. He was large and covered in bulky armour. A jet pack is attached to his back and a large repeating rifle clasped in his armoured fists. The shadow was a hunter, and this was its prey. From beneath the hood of the hunter two orbs flashed green. Their eyes were full of power and hatred as recognition ignited behind the glowing orbs.

The shadow knew this Mandalorian, knew him from years prior when he uprooted the shadows life. The shadow dropped from the overcrop where it stood falling to silent feet just a few steps behind its armoured foe. Quickly and quietly it stalked forward. This man, no this BEAST had caused so much pain for the shadow.

The shadow thought about inflicting an unmeasurable amount of pain to the large warrior. But reason overcame its emotions. The figure understood that shadow was its greatest ally in this mission and to engage with this one Mandalorian would compromise the rest of the rest of the mission.

With its mind decided the shadow reached into its robes and pulled out a black cylinder. It fit the hand of the calloused shadow perfectly as the shadow moved into position. Cloaked in shadow and silent as the night, the figure kicked the back of the Mandalorians armoured leg, sending him to his knees with a thud.

Quickly the figure positioned the black hilt beneath the Mandalorians chin and ignited it. A light green blade erupted from the top of the cylinder and it pierced the skull of the downed Mandalorian. The pale green blade was different from other Lightsaber blades. It crackled with excess power and seemed unstable, this problem was soon solved as two shorter blades burst from the sides acting as a vent for the excess power.

In the green glow of the Lightsaber illuminated the features of the shadowy figure. He was a young man. His face was sharp and angular yet had a distinct look of youth, while lacking all the innocence. He was much younger than his height portrayed but even with his features exposed he looked much older than he really was. If someone was to guess his age they would say 14 maybe even 15 but in reality he was only 9 years old. His growth exponentially hastened by rituals years prior.

His deep blue eyes glint with happiness as he he felt a weight lift from his soul. It was done at last, she was avenged. But young though he was, he was a hunter and he had more prey. With the sentry disposed of he could enter the caves and be done with these Mandalorians at last.

He traveled through shadow and darkness unseen until he found himself at the beginning of a cave system. There were three ships and many objects and training courses. This wasn't just a Mandalorian camp it was where Death Watch takes the children with the most potential to train, for Dathomir was a harsh place, and to make strong steel you must plunge it into the depths of flame.

Still cloaked in a black cloak the shadow entered the caves. He soon found himself at a divergence. Trusting in the Force he searched his feelings. Forward would lead him to the forge, and their leader. Right would lead to the children. Left to the warriors. His path was clear. He lifted his hand to the right side and gestured slowly to the roof before suddenly lowering his now clenched fist, rocks and rubble followed the path of his hand, crashing to the floor. Then he turned right.

He entered a long, narrow room, more like a hallway. Lining the walls were eight cylinders that acted like beds for the Mandalorians. The beds would extend out of the wall and retract in. Currently seven Mandalorian warriors were bustling after being awoken by the cave in. They hurried to put on their beskar. Some had only their chest pieces on while some had only their bracers. Only one was fully armoured and it was her that noticed the shadowy figure first.

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