Liberation of a slave

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Gardulla the Hutt sat playing cards with a known pirate lord in a ship above Ryloth. It is a great honour to play with a Hutt but many men worked for this pirate lord and so it was wise for Gardulla to keep him close. Unfortunately for the Hutt she had been on a losing streak and didn't want to bet anymore money as they had a slave auction to attend after.

"How about I bet a slave?" Gardulla proposed in Huttese and while a powerful pirate lord he knew that he could not refuse a Hutt as powerful as Gardulla and so he agreed.

Gardulla gestured for someone to retrieve one of the younger slaves, wailing of a mother being separated from her child could be heard in the distance but despite that the men returned with a child in their arms. Again the dealt their cards and again Gardulla lost.

"Fine, take the child now leave my sight." Gadulla ordered nd the piratenlord wisely left giving the young boy to one of his men on his way out.

The pirate lord didn't bother tomes about the boys name but the man who now held the baby found himself curious and so he looked under the boys shirt to see his name tattooed above his heart. The name was Raiden Skywalker.

The young Raiden Skywalker was woken by the blaring alarm and blinding flashing red lights. He had been living with these slavers for nearly a year now and some of them have noticed how strange he was. Were most children cried constantly the infant Skywalker barely made a sound.

Thats what made an incident last week so strange. For the usually quiet little boy cried for hours on end. While it caused the annoyance of a few other slaves no one really questioned it because he was a baby, and that's what babies do. But it was more than just a baby crying, it was a very powerful entity calling out through the force to anyone who would listen. And many, many listened.

Jedi Grandmaster Yoda heard the cry and knew that someone was in trouble. He could sense that the youngling was powerful in the force, perhaps more powerful than even him. And so he decided that he should go on this potentially dangerous mission himself. But he wouldn't go alone.

"Windu!" He called out urgently to the bald man

"What was that master, what did I sense?" He asked his elder, confused and sealing wisdom

"No time there is! Call master Dooku and Master Qui-Gon you must."

"If it is so important shouldn't I call Master Shaak Ti?" He questioned but sensing the urgency in the old masters voice he called the masters without getting an answer

"Look after the temple, someone must. But corrects you are about the importance, call Jedi Knight Unduli you will." Yoda responded and Mace had become so used to how he spoke it took no time to understand him.

"At once Master." He responded while Master Yoda sat down and began searching the force for this youngling, powerful enough to call out across several star systems.


And so it was that many on this pirate ship was awoke by the blaring alarms and the flashing red sirens, not just the young Skywalker. But the pirates were full of fear because they understood what was really happening or they did once they saw the Republic CR90 Corvette.

They were taken by surprise and they're shields didn't last long. Soon they were being boarded and they knew their only option was to fight so the made barricades in the cargo holds and close to seventy pirates were waiting to fight away the Republic boarding party. And they might have won, these were battle hardened pirates against some soldiers of the Republic, who hasn't faced a true war in centuries.

They were prepared for blasters, but not for the lightsabers that they would face as the ship was boarded. All they saw was a blur of colours as they died. Two green blades swung in circular motions as they deflected blaster bolts, a purple blade charged into the crowd leaping over cargo crates and slashing wildly at the pirates hiding behind them.

A yellow blade moved slowly deflecting any bolts that came it's way but was soon confronted by pirates wielding vibroblades. Vibroblades where some of the only weapons capable of blocking lightsabers and so are used commonly by pirates and Mandalorians. The pirates that approached the yellow blade were quickly dispatched with precision, losing limbs or their lives.

The final lightsaber blade was the smallest of the bunch. It soared overhead twirling by severing limbs and telekinetically pushing objects to crush the pirates. These blades continued until half the pirates were dead or incapacitated when finally from the Republic ship came blaster fire of their own. The Republic army poured out blasting at the pirates and in a matter of minutes the final pirate was killed.

Five figures ran through the ship as the troops went to secure the bridge. The figures followed Yoda, the old Jedi was deceptively fast and soon  reached a series of holding cells. Slaves, countless slaves. Yoda ignored the rest and approached one call in particular, an odd reaction for one usually so I tune with the suffering of others.

Master Windu seemed resigned as he knew about the rampant slave trade in the outer rim and no matter how many ships the Jedi liberate it still lives on. Luminara and Qui-Gon looked appalled by this as the young Jedi's forced themselves to focus on Master Yoda and put the suffering of the others out of mind.

Jedi Master Dooku had a similar reaction and if anyone looked closely they would see the conflict behind his eyes. How could the Republic and by extension the Jedi allow such monstrous actions to occur. He was to old to be naive enough to believe it would change but he had spent his whole life in the Jedi serving the Republic and he wasn't quite ready to fully delve into just how broken the system was. Because he was afraid of what answer he would find.

Using the force Master Yoda opened the cell door to find a small grey room with a single bed. A Twi'lek woman held a small bundle close to her chest. Tears welled up in her eyes as she used her green body to block the child from view.

"Get away from us! Go!" She shouted as Master Yoda closed in

"Free the others you will." Master Yoda told the Jedi behind him before he continued towards the young Twi'lek

"Need to worry, you don't." He said using the force to calm the woman down before taking the child in his arms.

"Keep him safe the Jedi will."


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