The Initiate Trial

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In the Jedi temple on coruscant a young boy traversed the large halls. Brown locks cascade down his shoulders and his piercing blue eyes betray a sharp intelligence far beyond his years. He wasn't a genius by any means. He wasn't making droids from scraps in the back room of a scrapyard but he had an inherent talent for almost anything he tried.

Whether it was learning about the Living Force from Master Qui-Gon, how to use the Force by Grandmaster Yoda, learning Lightsaber combat from Master Windu, politics and negotiation from Master Dooku or learning his many other subjects from his many other teachers it all came to him very easily. He excelled so much in fact that he would soon reach the rank of Jedi Padawan at only five years old, to be fair he was nearly six, as he was fond of reminding his friends every time they mentioned his age.

He made his way to the area were he would be tested to see if he was fit to become a Padawan and a Master can decide whether they wish to choose an Initiate to become their Padawan. Raiden Skywalker has already completed two of the three trials.

The first trial was about knowledge of the Force and he was tested by Qui-Gon Jinn and passed with fly my colours. The second trial was a test of his knowledge of the Jedi Orders History. This test was administered by Master Ki-Adi-Mundi and again Raiden successfully passed the test after answering questions on the Orders beginning, the Sith Wars and the Ruusan Reforms.

As he exited the elevator he was greeted with the sight of a small arena with many Jedi Masters and Jedi Knights present to witness Raidens third and final trial. The trial by combat. He saw Masters from the Jedi Council like Yoda, Windu, Shakk-Ti, Yaddle and Plo Koon. He also saw Masters that were familiar, whether that's as because they were his teachers such as Dooku and Qui-Gon or because he had seen them around the Jedi Temple like Kit Fisto.

In the centre of the small arena stood a woman. She had green skin and a black dress and two Lightsaber hilts clipped to her belt, one being longer than the other. She had diamond markings on her cheeks and a large black headdress covering her raven hair. Master Luminara.

"Come Initiate Skywalker, your third trail awaits." The newly promoted Jedi Master called out to her young Student.

"Gladly Master Unduli." Raiden responded while entering the arena

Raiden was different than other Younglings. He once asked Master Yoda why he wasn't in. Youngling group like others and he was told that because of his extremely high Midichlorian count he would be trained by several masters to ensure he reaches his full potential. Raiden asked Yoda what his Midichloriam count and he was told it was the highest the Jedi had ever recorded. But he want given a specific number, because every time it was read it would break the machine.

Because he wasn't in a Youngling group he didn't have a Master as ring as a group leader. But he did have a few friends in the Jedi Temple. But while most Younglings had a Master they could go to Raiden did not and so that position was given to Master Luminara. And so while not being Raidens teacher specifically they were extremely close and so she was chosen to conduct his third and final trial.

"This is a trial of combat, to test your ability to defend yourself with your Lightsaber and with the Force." Master Luminara said before taking a stance ready for combat, standing at an angle, presenting a smaller target for her opponent to his but she didn't ignite her Lightsabers yet.

"Are you ready Initiate Skywalker?" She called out to the young boy.

"I'm rea-" as he was responding Luminara used the force to send her Shoto Lightsaber towards the young boy who ignited his own white blade and blocked the green blade of his master causing it to fall at his side.

Now more aware he faced the older woman. He held his Lightsaber in the basic form I positioning with his feet shoulder width apart and the blade of his white Saber held up in front of him, pointed towards the roof at and angle. Luminara observed as he got into the rudimentary form one stance.

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