Our world

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Sorry for my bad english,feel free to correct me ^^ and enjoy :)

This world is filled with magic

There are magical creature,equipment that work with magic,monster,magic spells and magic itself

There are different realms and many kingdom.There are more than just human,there are also werewolfs,elfs,fairies,mermaids and many others,but they don't get along really well.

There are also guilds that would compete every year to see who is the best or strongest guild

There is also a tavern where you can take hard or dangerous order that fellow adventurer can do to make money.

Everyone can become an adventurer once they finish their study(i mean normal school).There are even schools that has an extra class,where you can learn everything that you need to know,to be an adventurer.

Some people can use magic or use magic equipment to do magic,but only people who are born with mana can use magic without equipment

Legends also exist in this world,many of them,but the most popular one is about the elemental spirits

"Long time ago,in a small village,lives seven siblings with a huge amount of mana and great talent,they were just human like us,but their mana only grew bigger and their power stronger.

Many people were jealous or afraid because of their power,but they guaranteed them that they wouldn't use their power for evil.

But then the demon king came and attacked the us,the siblings then used their power and safe us all,but their power was too strong for them and they soon became 'spirit'.

They were still like us,a human being the only difference was that they became immortal and stopped aging due to their powerful elemental magic

We soon called them 'spirit' as they were always near the place where their power matched,for example the sixth sibling was often seen in the forest as his elemental power was nature.

Since they were so powerfull,they started helping the kingdom,they stopped wars and protect people

Everything was great until one day,they betrayed us

They killed the king of our kingdom and kidnapped the prince that were just five years old.They became our enemy ever since that day and we declared war with them.

We manage to seal them in a weapon,but two of them manage to break free.We manage to weaken them buy putting a curse on them,that they can't free their siblings and we threatened to hurt their siblings if they ever intend to hurt us.

The one that manage to seal them away became our king,centuries ago,but no one knew what had happened to the prince,he just dissappeared.Many people say that he died during the war

Ever since that day,there were always a strong tundering on every birthday of our kings and princes."

"Well that's what they say,but i don't believe it,our ancestors were probably just saying things to get an explaination for why it's always tundering on our kings and princes bitrthday"A boy with purple hair and eyes said

"Well i rather believe that than believe that our kings and princes are cursed"A boy with a green jacket and a red bandana(?) said

"Stop listening to that kind of thing Gopal"A girl with a pink hijab said

"But how???It's always tundering on every birthday of our ruler,like that's scary,how can i not think that it's a curse!?"Gopal said with a scared tone

"Haiya,you're always thinking the worse thing possible as an explaination"A girl with glasses and blue/black(?) hair said

"Ying right there,but seriously what do you guys think why it's always tundering on our rulers birthdays?"The boy with purple hair and eyes said

"Um...i'm not sure either,but maybe the legend really is true?"The girl with the pink hijab said

"I agree with Yaya,our teacher wouldn't teach us this if it weren't true."Ying said

"Do you really believe everything about the legend?I mean they do say that they manage to defeat so many soldiers with only seven people,that's literally impossible"The boy with purple hair and eyes said

"Fang is right!They must have a huge amount of mana like the demon king if they are able to do that!And no human body would be capable to hold that many power!"Gopal said,slightly scared,thinking that anyone can be as strong as the current demon king or the past

"But they do have proof,like the the tundering and the destruction from the war"Ying said

"Yes,but it can also be from another war"Fang said

Ying and Fang doesn't seem to want to give up on making the other believe their theory

"Guys don't fight!"Yaya said as she shaked her head

Fang and ying stopped fighting,but they wouldn't look at each other while keeping their arms crossed

"How about we find out? :^"Gopal suddenly said

All three of them looked at him confused and in disbelief

"Really?You want to find it out?"Fang said and looked at him in disbelief "Aren't you the one that always scared of everything?The legends are dangerous or did you forget it?"He said the last sentence in a bit mocking tone

"Hey! I'm just curious alright!?Beside were gonna be allowed to be an adventurer soon.After we finished our study"Gopal said "You guys wanted to be an adventurer right?"

"Well yes,but how are we supposed to find that out?"Yaya asked,not convinced by the idea "And beside isn't that too dangerous?We aren't that strong"

"We could try it,I'm sure we would get stronger after we became adventurer!"Ying said determined to find out the truth behind the legend

"Agreed,we could try some small task for the beginning and take much more harder task later on"Fang said aggreeing to Ying

"I guess you guys are right,but still,we need a lot of helpful equipment if we want to do dangerous and they are very expensive"Yaya said,still not convinced "Beside we can't only do dangerous task if we are professionel adventurer"

"But it's not a task,it's something we want to find out"Ying said not giving up to convinced her

"I guess you're right,we could do it"Yaya said finally agreeing to their idea

They all agreed and decided to find out the truth of the legend as soon as they become adventurer(even though a certain someone kinda regreted their decision,i'm sure you know who it is)

After their study,they became official adventurer and started their journey

I hope you guys enjoyed ^^

In case you want to continue to read this story,i will continue it but there will be a slow update,since i'm still focusing on my other book,but i will be focusing this book after my other book though ^^

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