"Oh." The brunette says. "You must be my roomate." I notice she has a slight French accent.

"I must be." I reply.

She smiles and steps forward. "I'm Colette." I shake her hand. "This is Autumn." I glance at the Auburn who smiles at me.

Colette and Autumn sit on Colette's bed. "So what's your name?" Autumn asks me, obviously trying to fill the awkward silence.

"Brooklyn." I say. I glance back at Autumn's beautiful auburn hair. I've always been jealous of interesting colored hair. I have plain blonde hair that never seems to stay straight and is always a hassle.

"Do you guys mind explaining to me what this place is exactly?" I ask the girls.

"Well this is your dorm.." Colette says, looking confused.

I stare at her until Autumn laughs and says, "Excuse her. She's foreign and secretly a dumb blonde at heart."

I laugh.

"I meant what is this Academy for other than a place for... Monsters." I say the word feeling strange coming from my mouth. A monster? Is that what I am?

"Well, you know Hogwarts right?" Autumn asks me.

"You mean the made up Harry Potter school?" I ask, confused.

Autumn laughs. "Sure. Well. We are basically Hogwarts, but for monsters. Or 'gifted adolescents' as they would say."

"Right.." I say. "But why am I here?"

"There's basically two cases. Case one: your parents think you are a freak and needed to get rid of you. Or case two: your parents are monsters as well and want you to train here." Autumn sums up.

As far as I knew, my parents weren't monsters. "I guess I'm a case one then." I mumble.

"No worries. I am too." Autumn says with a smile.

"So what are you guys? If you don't mind me asking."

"Not at all." Colette grins. "I'm a genie."

"A genie?" I say, my eyes widen. "Like you sleep in a lamp and grant wishes?"

Colette stands looking flustered. "I hate that fairy tale! It's such a stereotype! Now everyone thinks genies are like that and we aren't! Je ne peux pas en croire vos mots!" She practically yells in French.

"Alright alright. Calm down genie. I didn't mean to offend." I say with my hands up in the air as a sign of surrender.

"Sorry." Colette says sitting back down. "Genies do not grant wishes or sleep in a bottle." She says in disgust. "We can change anything we want into something else." She goes to her dresser and pulls out a hideous shirt. She lays her hand on the fabric and blue smoke appears and starts to twirl around it. When the smoke dissipates, Colette is holding a beautiful dress.

"That's amazing!" Colette smiles at my compliment.

"We can also teleport." She closes her eyes and her body turns completely into blue smoke. I gasp as it twirls around and disappears.

"Behind you." Colette says. I turn around to see her standing there.

"Impossible." I say, my jaw basically touching the floor.

"Now I'm not nearly as cool as that." Autumn says. She stands from the bed. She stares at me and I watch as her eyes turn yellow. There is a ripping sound as she transforms into a wolf. A huge wolf. I gasp and stumble back knocking over a lamp.

"Do not worry, she is harmless." Colette says. She pets Autumn's light brown fur. Autumn transforms back and stands before me.

"Not nearly as cool?" I practically scream. "That's insane!"

UprisingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora