‎ Episode 1

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Episode 1: The Encounter

Scene 1: Hospital - Day


I navigate the bustling corridors of the hospital, a sense of purpose propelling each step I take. The hum of conversations and the faint scent of antiseptic fill the air. My focus is unwavering, centered on delivering the best care to my patients.

Scene 2: Namjoon's Room

I enter Namjoon's room, greeted by a weary but hopeful smile. His trust in me is a reminder of the immense responsibility I bear as a doctor. With a gentle smile in return, I approach his bedside, ready to lend my expertise.

"Good morning, Namjoon. How are you feeling today?" I inquire, my voice laced with genuine concern. "Let's work together to get you back on your feet soon."

Scene 3: The Unexpected Meeting

As I tend to Namjoon's needs, my attention momentarily shifts to the figure standing by the doorway. Taehyung, a friend of Namjoon's, exudes an intriguing aura that captures my curiosity. Our eyes meet briefly, an unspoken connection formed in that fleeting moment.

Thoughts swirl in my mind, curiosity tugging at my senses. There's something about Taehyung that draws me in, an enigmatic quality that I can't ignore. Yet, I must remain focused on my duty, my patients relying on me to navigate their journey to recovery.

Scene 4: Maintaining a Distance

Amidst the flurry of medical responsibilities, Taehyung's presence continues to linger in my thoughts. There's a magnetic pull that tempts me to unravel the mysteries hidden within him. However, a war brews within me, a tug-of-war between the desire to explore and the fear of the unknown.

I've always prided myself on self-reliance, finding solace in my independence. Allowing someone else into my world feels like venturing into uncharted territory. What if Taehyung doesn't reciprocate my curiosity? What if I open myself up only to face rejection?

Scene 5: A Professional Farewell

As I conclude my duties with Namjoon, a bittersweet farewell lingers in the air. Before leaving the room, I steal a glance at Taehyung, an unspoken connection shimmering between us. It's a brief moment, yet it carries a weight of possibilities.

"Until we cross paths again, Taehyung," I whisper softly, the words a secret shared with the universe. Though my curiosity beckons me closer, I must maintain my professional distance, for now.

[End of Episode 1]

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