"They can make him redundant whenever they decide," he argued. River already knew this. In fact, she ran through all possibilities. This wasn't a decision without thought. "Men like Ian Radcliffe don't do well with defiance."

"You make me sound as though I am rebelling."

"You are," Jax commented.

"So are you," she fired back. Turned to look at Alden, and claimed, "So did you."

Dorian took matters into his own hands. "They are different, and you know it, River."

"Well, I don't believe that is fair."

"Dad will never allow you to remain in a relationship with Harry for long, or marry him, for that matter, if he was so determined to erase his past friendship with Dominic," Jax spoke up with the truth. It was the truth, and River knew it, but it didn't take away from the sting. "I'm surprised he even let this happen because—"

"Okay!" she interrupted her youngest brother. Pushed herself up in her seat to be more comfortable. "Enough, Jax. I get it. No one is supportive of the relationship, and while it was expected, I also am annoyed. I at least wanted the three of you to be on my side with this, but of course, no one would ever dare to upset Mummy."

The burst of honesty came out of nowhere but it felt good. River's chest unclogged, and she could breathe properly again.

"It's not that we are not supportive, River, we are looking out for you."

Dorian sounded confident in that statement. For some reason, River didn't feel like they were looking out for her. Was that because they didn't agree with her? In that moment, she couldn't decipher it.

"Harry is great, and I like him—I think we all like him?" Dorian glanced at their siblings. Jax nodded, and Alden hummed. "But you have an obligation, and that is to marry Charlie. It's not ideal, it's not what you want, but it is what will happen. Regardless of what you agreed with our parents for the time being. You are aware of this, right?"

"Of course, she is aware, Dorian," Alden decided to step in at last. His tone sharp, and scolding. The sound enough to make River feel less like she was outnumbered against her brothers. "She grew up knowing what she'll have to do when the time is right, and to assume she lost sight of it, is simply offensive. It may seem like the easiest decision to put all of this on our sister, but don't you two think it's dad who needs to be set right? He promised her away because his friend upset him, and he needed to get back at him."

A relief. It was. To hear Alden defend her? She could finally breathe a full breath. Sit a little straighter, a little higher.

"We have no idea what happened between dad and Dominic, and he clearly doesn't want us, or anyone else, to know," Dorian argued. Then, he asked River, "What did you think you would find if you looked into the arrangement? A way out?"

"Maybe," she shrugged, which felt unlike her, especially when talking to her brothers. While Dorian seemed determined to remain against River, she felt a wall go up between the two of them. She started to step back from her brother because the way he acted reminded her of their father. "I love Harry. If there is a way, I get to be with him, I will find it."

"And we'll support it," Alden confirmed. Held the eye contact that Dorian initiated. It was one that urged their brother to stand down, and accept that Dorian held more power between them. After all, he was the first-born son. After their father, he was the next person who had any sort of influence on things.

"I think you are misunderstanding me," Dorian claimed, and River stayed silent. Regardless of what she said, her brother seemed to have an argument for it. That wasn't the reason why she called them to meet. Therefore, she refused to put herself in a position where Dorian could overpower her. "I have nothing against your happiness, and where you choose to get it. If Harry makes you happy, and you want to be with him, then you are free to be with him. You made it known that nothing will come between that decision and you."

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