Final Night: And There Came A Day When Death Met the Sin And Their Fathers

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"Speak now, for this is the only time we'll allow any excuses."

Bane despised being talked down to as if he were some ignorant child.

     With Ra's he had garnered respect and recognition within the League, but with these queer people, he chose to remain silent and study them for they were still new to him and he was unaware of what foul powers they might possess. 

"That is a good question--why are we here and not back at the apartment? I had Batman right in my clutches!" Crane looked up in anger.

"There was someone else there. Someone I wasn't expecting." answered Bane.

"Yes...I remember now. All I saw was something green and a flash of black. Next thing I remember was hitting the floor...and everything's a blank, but I do know I had Batman right where I wanted him. What were you doing all that time? Surely it didn't take a brute like you all your strength to take down his pathetic sidekick."

Former member or not, Bane knew to never speak of his master without his permission.

     Whether or not anyone knew Ra's was in Gotham, Bane didn't know, so he took it upon himself to keep their meeting a secret. The Demon moved in the shadows and if he wanted to be successful in destroying Gotham, then it was best no one ever knew when he'd be coming.

"It appears you don't have an answer." said a masked member.

"Or perhaps, he chooses not to answer."

"Leaving us to wonder whether or not you have failed on purpose."

"Whatever your reasoning Bane, you have lost something we desired and worse, you have allowed your failure to bring an outsider to us."

Crane grew anxious and nervous at the sight of the armored guards slowly moving in the corner of his eyes.

     Their footfalls made no sound as they began to encircle the two.

"I get it. You'd rather remain hidden from the rest of the city." he pulled on his own mask. "You don't have to worry about me telling anyone. Who's there for me to tell anyway?"

The leader of the group, a tall slender woman dressed in an expensive looking heather gray skirt suit, stood at the head of the table. Unlike her cohorts, she wore a full white feathered headdress with black holes where her eyes should've been and a white cloak covered her boney shoulders. When she stood, the hall grew silent.

"One last chance." her terse and commanding tone echoed. "Retrieve the boy. Once more, we shall turn our heads at whatever methods you'd choose to kill Batman and all who stand with him. Even if you cannot defeat the Bat, you will bring back the body of the assassin at all costs. Fail us again Bane, and we shall show no mercy in tearing you limb from limb."

"You do not scare me woman." Bane growled.

     The silent guards slithered to and fro. Their hushed voices screeched and hissed about Bane's shoulders and stopped only when the leader raised her hand.

"The only reason you are not scared of us, is because we have been merciful. Thus far, you haven't been shown what true fear really is. Has he, Dr. Crane?"

Crane's laughter came like a hoarse whisper mixed with several other dark voices. 

"This time, I'd like you to take the lead in this operation Dr. Crane." the leader went on. "Perhaps intelligence will prevail where brute force hasn't."

"Indeed I couldn't agree more. In fact, even as we speak I still have quite the grip on Batman's psyche."

The table murmured with curiosity.

BATMAN: Black Mirror Vol. 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin