Night 10: A Darker Knight Still

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     The chaos  returned slowly, with small infractions becoming more and more prevalent as the days went by. A mom and pop store holdup. A purse snatcher. A group of kids bullying another kid in an alley and taking his money. A groper. Nothing too big. Not yet. The bigger crime lords remained quietly watching and waiting. Robin and the GCPD worked hand in hand over these low grade acts of crime, but there was still no sighting of the Batman. All of Gotham was held at a standstill with bated breath over the next time they'd see a man crucified in the middle of the street. Some still took it as a sign that their Angel of Death was always watching over them to deal out punishment to the unrighteous. Others believed the city was reverting back to its old ways and nothing, not even this supernatural force of death could stop it. All in all, business was good for Selina. If she ran into Robin, he was easy to handle, but the wait for his more impressive partner to show up was nerve wracking. That was until Selina realized Batman wasn't going to show and continued pulling her jobs as normal. She tried making quick work of her heists during the day, on account she worried for the young 'Boy Wonder' catching a fight with a much more deadly and unforgiving foe in Bane. Had she stayed a moment longer, the poor boy would be nothing more than a puddle of bloody mush and bones on the floor.

     This afternoon was going to be her last job anyway. One more score, then she and Holly would be out of the city and living it up in Paris, France. She threw the phone she got from her "partner" to the bed and changed into a pair of jeans.

"I'm heading out for a minute." she called down the hall. 

"Seriously?! Not this again. We're never gonna get outta here!" Holly dropped her bags by her bedroom door and stormed back into her room.

"Hey, I meant what I said and for the record, I'm done with working Gotham. I have one more errand to run and then you and me will be flying over this shit stain of a city in no time."

Holly poked her head out of the doorway.

"You're wearing jeans!" she exclaimed.

     "So, you're really not working, then where are you going?"

"To see an old boyfriend. I've called for a car to take you and the bags to the airport. It should be here in twenty minutes. Your ticket's in your coat so don't lose it. Go there, wait for me and whatever you do, do not talk to strangers."

Holly rolled her eyes, but smiled. She picked up her bags for the last time and placed them with Selina's by the front door. The two looked back at their old house.

"It was hard, but we're on our way out kiddo." Selina hung her arm over the young girl's shoulders.

"Yeah. It's gonna be nothing but smooth sailing from here on out, ain't that right Lina? We're never coming back...right?" Holly looked into the eyes of her friend. Selina desperately wanted to agree, but of all things she was certain about, she was certain Gotham would lure her back down the line.

     She looked down into the innocent eyes of the girl and did her best to hide her fears.

"Hell yeah we're not coming back." she winked. Selina kissed the girl on the head and made her way down from her apartment. The plan was clear: first she'd go and say good-bye to Bruce. It might've been one date, but they had a mutual friend in Eli and since the kid seemed to be alive and alright, the least she could do was tell Bruce the news. There was still some gas left in the bike she "borrowed". Just enough to get her to Wayne Manor and down to the airport. Maybe she'd drop by the old job and have one last drink with the girls. They were good company and looked after Holly like loving mothers. 

"Just one more road to go." Selina boarded her bike and sped down the street. It was a great feeling for Holly to know she was going to be living a life free of prostitution and answering to a pimp night after night. Her smile was bright and cheery as she wrapped a scarf around her neck and zipped up her coat. In a couple of minutes, she would be on her way to Paris.

BATMAN: Black Mirror Vol. 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें