➖️🌑4.A Kylntar Vs A Daxamite🌑➖️

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

[So after receiving all of the votes from the second chapter and counting them, the following has been decided by me; Power Girl will be added into the relationship. I do apologize if you don't want to read this story because of that but I ask you the readers to respect what has already been said about this]

Agent Venom lands a hard punch to Mon-El's face as he is sent flying back and slams into a car; the Daxamite groans feeling some blood running down his nose as he grabs one of the car doors and rips it off with his super strength

Mon-El throws it at Agent Venom but instead of ducking at the incoming projectile, he runs directly at it and at the last possible second he front flips over it and grabs midair as he proceeds to throw right back at Mon-El, the Daxamite barely manages to catch it as Agent Venom comes out of nowhere and jumps kicks the car door into Mon-El's face

Agent Venom forms a large hammer from his symbiote and brings it down on Mon-El as he keeps hitting him over and over again, Mon-El is able to catch and stop the hammer mere inches away from his face but spikes come out of the hammer piercing the Daxamite's skin as he screams out in pain and kicks Agent Venom away; the Kylntar warrior's feet slide against the ground and manages to stop himself

Mon-El:What the hell do you think you're doing on Earth!? Haven't you Kylntar done enough damage!!

Venom mentally snarls at Mon-El but Flash replies back to the Prince of Daxam

"At least I didn't lie to her for months about who I truly was! The only difference between the Kylntar and Daxamites, is that your people tortured them for years!!"

Mon-El slams his fists into the ground and tears out a large chunk of concrete out of the ground and tears it in half but not before hurling the two large pieces at Agent Venom as he forms a large sword and slices the first chunk of debris in half and changes the sword into a shield ultimately blocking the second piece of concrete

Anger seethes through Mon-El's eyes as he uses his super speed to dash forward and grab Agent Venom and hits him with a hard uppercut that sends him flying up into the air as Mon-El leaps off the ground to punch Agent Venom back down but the Daxamite is met by a tendril grabbing him mid-air and yanking towards the Kylntar warrior

"Another difference between you and me..only one of us can fly!"

Before Mon-El could even question or say anything, two large dragonic wings come out of Agent Venom's back as he flies up higher and higher at an insane speed while making sure Mon-El doesn't escape his hold; he practically throws Mon-El through some clouds and flies after him and forms a large spiked mace and hits Mon-El in the back as it pierces his skin and sends the Daxamite hurtling back down so fast he unfortunately comes in contact with the hard ground out of National City

Agent Venom dives back down and lands next to the massive crater before him yet still Mon-El managed to get right back up with blood running down his back and out of his mouth; Agent Venom's dragonic wings vanish into his back as Mon-El puts his hands together and with one loud thunderous clap, he sends a shockwave at Agent Venom

The Kylntar warrior screams out in pain and falls to his knees feeling the thunder clap almost burst his eardrums, one of the unfortunate weaknesses that came with bonding with the symbiote were either very loud sounds and scorching hot fire

Mon-El sees his chance to attack and takes it as he leaps off the ground and brings both of his fists down on the stunned Agent Venom and just starts to let loose; punching him over and over again as Mon-El keeps on going and brings his foot down and stomps Agent Venom's chest

Mon-El:I don't how Kara could ever trust someone like you!! Your just trying to use her for something! But I won't let you---

Mon-El feels something go into his stomach as his eyes slowly trail down seeing that Agent Venom had stabbed him as Mon-El coughs up some of his blood and is pushed back but the blade in his stomach is twisted by Agent Venom and forcefully pulled out, Mon-El stumbles back with his hand over his stab wound and falls down to one knee and glares at the host of the symbiote

Mon-El:Your..going to-*groans*--to..stay away from Kara..you hear me?

The mask comes off revealing Flash Thompson's bloodied up face with all of the hits he had taken from Mon-El as he walks up to the bleeding Daxamite and tells him

"That's not your decision to make dickwad..I have no reason to hurt Kara, I never have and probably never will..so grow a pair and quit whining you dumbass"

Venom comes out to show himself as he moves closer to Mon-El and coldly glares at the Daxamite

Venom:Your no hero..if it wasn't for Kara, I would have personally ripped your head off with my teeth by now..

Venom forms a large fist and punches Mon-El across the face and retreats back into his host; speaking of Kara the both of them hear her heading their way and just stay where they are, because in hindsight all Flash was doing was defending himself from the fight Mon-El had started back at the bar

Supergirl lands before them as she sees Flash standing all bloodied up and Mon-El holding his hand over a stab wound that was most likely caused in their fight; the Girl of Steel uses her super speed to stands in front of Flash with a very worried look on her face as she asks him

Supergirl:Are you okay, Flash?

She reaches out and touches his bloodied up face as Flash just nods his head 'yes' reassuring her that Venom is already healing his face and any other damage he had sustained in the fight

Supergirl hugs Flash thanking Rao that he is still alive and standing as he just hugs her back and pats her back before the two let go as the Girl of Steel finally sets her eyes upon Mon-El and walks over to him

Supergirl:I'm going to take you back to the DEO to patch up that stab wound..but when you're all healed up, me and you are going to have a long and serious talk..

It didn't take a genius to know Mon-El was going to an earful from Supergirl as Flash couldn't help but just smirk just a tiny bit before his mask came back on and started to walk away; but Mon-El called him out and asked

Mon-El:What the hell are you!?

He stops in his tracks and slowly turns his head as half of Venom's face and his own face stare back at injured Daxamite as you can see Mon-El's eyes widen at such an odd sight

"We are..Venom.."

The mask comes back on as the same dragonic wings come out of Agent Venom's back as he just flies away back into National City to head home, this fight was over now he had no reason to stay anywhere near Mon-El whatsoever


Yet somewhere out in Earth's atmosphere a small meteor comes rocketing down faster and faster until it eventually crashes into the ground; the small meteorite shakes and cracks open as a small grey sludge crawls out and slips away into the grass, in many ways it was like Venom..alas the only difference between the these two symbiotes was about to be revealed soon enough

To be continued...

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