➖️🌑3.Catching Up With A Friend🌑➖️

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Disclaimer:All rights go to the Arrowverse and their respective owners these characters are not my own hence I give credit for the ones who made them and respectively ask them not to take down my account or story thank you and have a good day all the images shown are owned by the Arrowverse and the artist(s)

Flash and Kara walk through some doors as she sees a whole bunch of aliens walking around and talking to each other, she remembered going to one near the DEO but this one was completely new to her

"I found this place better than the one you and your friends go to plus the alcohol is better and cheaper"

They both walk over to an empty table and pull up some chairs as they sit across from each other, Flash holds his hand up as one of the alien waitresses walks over to them as they both order their drinks and patiently wait for her to come back with them

Kara unable to wait any longer just immediately starts to ask Flash the first question that came to her mind

Kara:Why did you punch Mon-El? What did he do to?

Flash leans in from his chair and puts both of his hands on the table

"He didn't do anything to me..it's what he did to you that pissed me off, Kara"

Kara looked a bit confused for a couple of seconds until it dawned on her, J'onn must've told Flash who Mon-El truly was and his secret that he hid from everyone including her

"He lied to you for months, he made you think he was just some guard back on Daxam when in reality..he was the self-centered egotistical Prince"

Kara wanted to say that Mon-El had changed but in a way, Flash did have a point granted the Daxamite had changed but Mon-El broke her trust and she hated herself for not figuring it out sooner

After all Mon-El gave off his these hints about the Prince of Daxam not being as bad as everyone thought and the way he would constantly talk about the Prince seemed too good to be true; so at least she was able to get one of her many questions answered

The waitress from before comes back with their drinks as Flash grabs his beer that secretly was filled a good amount of strong alcohol; he puts the beer bottle in between his arm and twists the cap off like it's nothing

The waitress from before comes back with their drinks as Flash grabs his beer that secretly was filled a good amount of strong alcohol; he puts the beer bottle in between his arm and twists the cap off like it's nothing

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Venom:'(Okay, I'll admit it..that was pretty cool!)'

He sees Kara looking at him with a pretty impressed look as he raises his beer up

Kara:Did you just--how is that even possible?

Flash just takes a long sip of his beer and puts the bottle back on the table as Kara focuses back on her questions

Kara:Okay not that wasn't cool but I need to know..how are you walking? Your file said you had to get both of your legs amputated..

Venom:'(Ooooh shit..can I finally talk to her!? Please, please, pleaseee!!)'

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