Jimin sighed

Jimin: see, I know what you're doing and why you're doing this but I just make it clear that it won't be good for you..... For both of you. Jungkook try to understand, Taehyung has always been with you, since the start it's only "you" for him. He can't live a day without you and here you think leaving him for years will be a great idea! What will he do? How will he be without you? I know that it'll be hard for you too, but he's not you! He's so small and fragile. He do live with us but he's not like us. He won't be able to cope with this loneliness. And what about future Jungkook?

Jimin's voice roared around the room

Jimin: what do you think, your future will be like? Do you think Taehyung will like the new you? The mafia you? He loves his kookie Hyung not some teenager mafia heir. Trust me Jungkook, I can see how things will be different once you'll leave. I'm saying for your own good, just try to understand it.

Saying this, Jimin left the room leaving Jungkook all alone being deep in thoughts.

Every word rang in his ears making him have flashbacks of past. All the years he has been spending with Taehyung, basically his whole childhood.

Is he doing right?


Should he stop?


But will he?

Guess..... He won't

May be he should have listened to Jimin


3 Days Later

It's been 3 days since Taehyung has locked up himself in his room.

Neither the boy is talking to anybody or eating anything.... The whole Mansion is worried for him and Jungkook tried everything but the younger is adamant.

He's been crying since forever and promised himself that he won't open this door until Jungkook will cancel his plan.

He don't care, he just want Jungkook!

Jungkook once thought to break into the room but he knew this won't help.

Looking at this condition of Taehyung was even making him have second thoughts for his plans.

Should he really stop? But he can't! And Taehyung has to understand it!

He has been sitting outside Taehyung's room since the younger locked himself.

Even Taehyung didn't left the door, and cried leaning onto it.

Trying to find a way Jungkook got up and went back to his room.

Coming back an hour, he sat outside Tae's room and spoke.

Jungkook: Taehyung, baby can you hear me?

Sobbing voice was again heard indicating Jungkook that indeed Taehyung can hear him well.

Jungkook: Taehyung, I know you can hear me but you probably don't want to talk to me and I understand you. And that's why, I won't talk right now. I just - I just have something for you. Something, you always wanted me to do. I'll do it today, just for you!

Taking a deep breath Jungkook spoke again

Jungkook: I wrote this for you and today I'll sing it for you

Leaning onto the door, Jungkook took out his guitar and closed his eyes...

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