How you met Tengen

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( he doesn't have his 3 lovely wives in this au) 

The two of you met  when a demon had attacked your home and killing everyone of your family but you.  You had come home to find the demon eating your mother and you took off and it followed you, as the demon went to kill and eat you Tengen beheaded the demon right before you were a goner. 

Y/n. Thank you so much! 

you bowed to the man to show how thankful you are to him. 


you were taken aback on how loud he got but hey you won't judged him. But you came back to your self when you saw him leaving

Y/n. Wait my name is L/n Y/n again thank you for saving me!  

Tengen turned around to get a better look at you, Your black hair had a y./f/c streak glowed in the moon like and you pale rose eyes.  Your pale skin almost matched the snow but the tears that stained your face and how puffy your eyes are from crying.

Y/n. Thank you.

Tegen watched as you brake down into a sobbing fit, he didn't know what to do should he comfort you or should he leave.  

Y/n. What am i going do now my whole family was killed by that thing!   I have never been alone before how am i going to live now? 

Tengen walked over a pulled you in to his arms

Tengen. Where is your home i will help bury the dead. 

You gave him the location of your house, he ran to the house and he could see the blood covering the snow outside, you put your head in his neck so you didn't want to see the state  of you home and family.   Tengen put you down and you made your way into the house after some time all of the bodies where buried and  your family's babysitter came back with your baby brother.

Y/n. Rune! Oh thank the lord! 

the old lady that looks after him saw Tengen and she smiles she know about the demon slayer crops but then she saw the graves. she left so you had time to mourn the rest of your family.

Y/n. Again thank you so much. 

Tengen left after looking for any demons  near by. 

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