Jasmine - BNHA

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Jasmine Quinnet
Female at birth
Waist length navy hair
Piercing white eyes
Extremely pale skin
Their additional physical features often vary due to their quirk, but one feature they tends to keep is a tattoo on the upper part of their left bicep. It is a simple black band with 7 dots above it, and eight below, both sets are horizontal and circle their arm with the band.

Mother - 36yo
She is an extremely crass woman who really only cares about her bank account, and pretends to care about her children who she uses to fill it.

Father - 38yo
He is verbally abusive, and a heavy smoker. He has threatened to touch Jasmine in inappropriate ways in order to keep them under his thumb.

Older Brother - 20
He is Jasmine's support pillar. He left their abusive household at a young age, but kept in contact with Jasmine. In his eyes the world could burn so long as they are ok.
Has a connection to Dabi since they ran away about the same time as one another.

They were a child idol with their brother when they were young, but after their older brother left, they began to fall from fame. Due to this, Jasmine's parents decided to have her become a hero since they made a lot of money. They forced them to attend U.A.
They join the LOV as a form of escape, but don't kill and innocents/good people.
Neither side realizes that they have someone who is apart of the other side. Because they are never caught, they tend to stir the pot for their own amusement.

Fandom Specific Info
Hero name: MimiQueen
Villain name: Jester
Quirk - Aura
Vision - They can see their own aura, as well as other people's
Understanding - They can understand information about the auras they see. Each aura tells them of the person's age, personality, mood, and even basic information about their quirk.
Manipulation - They can manipúlate their own aura, modifying parts of themself. For example, they can grow wings, horns, even a second set of arms. They can also modify minor features of themself to the point that they can look like someone else. The process of manipulation is extremely painful. With practice they can manipulate other people's auras, but it would be extremely taxing and they would only be able to manipulate minor things.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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