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While his Deputies scour the clinic for clues, Stilinski tries to comfort Scott with Stiles and Maya now by his side.

"All right, we're going to do everything we can. The best thing you can do is go back to school.". Maya looks up at Stilinski, unhappy with his response. "Ah hell, go home if you need to. School can wait."

He puts a hand on Scott's shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze and then steps out to the waiting area. Scott throws a look at the two, gesturing for them to follow into the cage room where they'll be out of earshot. "We have to tell him."

"You mean like tell him tell him? Or tell him something else that isn't telling him what I think you want to tell him." Stiles rambles, "You know what he means. You have to tell your dad finally."

"He's not going to believe us."

"I can make him believe. Hell, Maya can make him believe more than anyone." Scott gestures.

"Yeah, but remember how your mom took it? She couldn't look you in the eyes for a week.", "She got over it. And it actually made us closer."

"I don't know, dude. I mean, look at him. He's totally overwhelmed." Maya looks at Scott, then at Stiles. Unsure of who's right and who's wrong.

"He's overwhelmed because he doesn't have a clue what's going on. People keep dying in the town he's supposed to protect. And it's not his fault that he doesn't know why all this is happening." Fingers grasping the wire of a cage, Stiles peers back into the waiting area at his father.

"He's going to find out sometime. You know he is." Scott spoke softly. "But is now the right time?"

"What if not telling him is getting more people killed?"

"What if telling him gets him killed? I get Deaton's been like a father to you. I get that. But this is my actual father. I can't lose both my parents. Not both of them." Stiles tells Scott. His words come out clipped and furious. Almost spit out. Scott takes it with a calm nod.

"Okay. You're right." He starts to turn away, but Stiles stops him. "No, I'm not. I'm not right, because I know if Maya was here she'd smack me for my answer. I'll tell him."

"I'll help you."

Stiles lets out a deep breath. Then takes a first step toward the waiting room. But both he and Scott halt when they see someone unexpected speaking to Stilinski. "Please. Whatever you need. However, I can help find my brother."

Scott turns to Stiles who mouths "brother?" Seeing she's caught their attention, Morrell approaches the boys, lowering her voice to an urgent whisper. "Listen closely, both of you. No Sheriff, Deputy, or Detective is going to be able to find him."

"You don't have to ask us for help."

"Actually, I'm trying to help you. Because if you're going to find my brother then you need to use the one person who might actually have an ability to seek out the supernatural." Morrell tells the boys.

"Who?" Scott asks. Morrell looks to Stiles for the answer.


𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐄 • 𝐈𝐬𝐚𝐚𝐜 𝐋𝐚𝐡𝐞𝐲Where stories live. Discover now