Chapter 6: Welcome Back Celebrations - Help Me, Please, Before My Head Explodes

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Rhodey looked back at Peter and couldn't help but smile softly at the child. He could see now how much Peter meant to both Tony and Pepper, and he was grateful to see how well they all fit together. Rhodey knew that Tony had been spending a lot of time with Peter lately, he had seen it every day within the last few days, but he hadn't understood the extent of their bond until now. It had been parental, sure, but with Pepper it seemed even more so. The way that Tony looked at Peter, with a mixture of pride, protectiveness, and love... it was something Rhodey hadn't seen in him before meeting Peter, and the fond look Pepper gave Tony during every interaction between Tony and the child made it even more obvious, made it stand out more dramatically. And then there was Pepper, who seemed equally enamoured with Peter, just as soft and affectionate. Rhodey couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was like they were a family unit, and he was the odd one out. Tony, Pepper, May and Happy with this child. It was utter perfection. And Rhodey was added last, he had to sink or swim to make it or fail in this group. They were loving, they were there. Rhodey just existed. He could be in there, or he could leave right now. Rhodey knew the position he wanted, but unlike what he always expected when it was only a theoretical picture, this position was not guaranteed, and it was not established when Tony’s kid was still a baby. So, what did that mean now? Rhodey tried his best to hide his confusion, worry, insecurities, and disappointment, but it was difficult. He watched as Tony and Pepper spent time with Peter, laughing and teasing him. Rhodey wanted to join in, he felt a strong urge to, but he didn't know how. He felt like an outsider looking in on something that he didn't quite understand. He did not truly know the boy. He knew nothing to tease him on, and even if he did, he was not close enough to do this without accidently hurting the child.  

Peter suddenly turned to Rhodey, breaking him out of his reverie. “Hey, Rhodey, you okay?” 

Rhodey nodded, giving him a small smile. “Yeah, I'm good. Just thinking.” 

Peter gave him a knowing look. “About Pepper, right?” 

Rhodey chuckled, feeling a sense of relief that Peter had picked up on his thoughts. “Yeah, she's something else, isn't she?” 

Peter nodded, his face taking on a pensive expression. “She really is. I don't know what I would do without her.” 

Rhodey watched as Peter trailed off, his eyes staring off into the distance. Rhodey wondered what this was about. 

As the two of them sat in silence, Rhodey felt a sense of gratitude for the people in his life. He knew that he had been lucky to have Tony as a friend, as brother, and that he had Pepper and now May and Peter and for a while the rest of the Avengers as his family. While he may not have his mother, brother, and father anymore, he knew that he had people in his life who cared about him, and that was something to be grateful for. 

“We should do something tonight!”, Peter exclaimed. “To welcome you back home!” 

“That sounds wonderful, sweetheart!”, Pepper cooed. “I’d love that!” 

“Me too.”, May said, coming into the room. “Pepper! You're back!”, May exclaimed, holding her at arm's length. “We missed you so much, I can't even tell you. It’s so good to see you!” 

“May!”, Pepper cheered, kissing her cheek lovingly. “I missed you too, May,” Pepper replied, smiling warmly. “How have you been?” 

 “I survived. It's not the same around here without you.” 

“Please tell me you are able to stay the night!”, Pepper pleaded the two Parkers. “I spend two weeks only with phone calls, I missed you!” 

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