Chapter 16 - Fear of Dying

Start from the beginning

"I woke up, saw that you were gone, and I went looking for you." Jack held up a pair of sneakers. "You left your shoes. When I caught up to you, you were in the tower right where the stained glass used to be. You looked like you were about to walk off so I grabbed you. Then you started swinging a knife at me before pushing both of us off the edge. There was a flash of light before we hit the ground, and we ended up back here. I tried getting back, but the portal won't work." 

The dark, deadly ocean crashed against the shore around them as clouds crossed the moon's path. Anah watched as Jack's boat bumped and creaked against the rocks. "I know what you're thinking," she said with a stern voice. "I'm not getting on that boat." 

Assuming she was joking, he laughed. "What else would we do, sleep here?" 

"I'm staying here until morning," she said as she pulled her shoes on. "And you're not allowed to leave me." 

Jack wadded up the bottom of his shirt, pressing it against the cut. He must've either been too tired to fight with her about it, or have realized that it was pointless to argue because he grabbed his jacket and said, "I think it would be more comfortable up there." 

Looking up at the top of the small cliff they were facing, Anah could see some trees which meant softer ground. Although she dreaded the long, cold night on the ground, surrounded by a deadly ocean, she couldn't help but look forward to a little bit of time without Rendel and Felidy annoying her. She missed it being just Jack and Anah. 

They climbed up the uneven, rock steps carved into the cliff side. For the first time, they stood on top of the island, looking out over the ocean. In the distance, Anah could see Jack's beach house. A couple lights in the house shone bright enough to see it in the dark. 

"We're not even that far," Jack said, pointing out the house to her.  

Anah shook her head as she backed away from the edge. "I can't do it. Not at night, and not after what happened with Shritaum. I'm scared," she admitted. 

The moon hid behind more clouds, obscuring Jack's face, but he handed her his jacket and led the way back into the trees. "How are you doing with everything?" he asked. 

"I really don't want to be turned into a sacrifice." She said. "And I really don't want any half Elvita babies." Her face went red as she said it, but Rendel had done a good job at scaring her. She'd never be able to pay Lina back for offering herself to Shritaum in Anah's place. 

"No, just quarter-Elvita babies," Jack mumbled. 

If her face had ever been redder, Anah didn't remember. Did he know how she felt about him? "What?" she asked stupidly.  

He shrugged, not looking at her. "It's really obvious," he said with a slightly cold voice. Was he angry about it? Anah stopped walking. "Everyone knows you like Rendel." 

Annoyance quickly replaced her fear. "I don't like Rendel. He's gross, and mean, and creepy, Not Rendel, never Rendel." She crossed her arms over her chest. "I was drunk when he kissed me, and I was only holding his hand because he was dead. I'd have held your hand, too." 

His eyebrows were up at his hairline. "Alright! Don't get so defensive." 

"Then start believing me when I tell you things! I'm not going to lie to you; you're my best friend." 

A smile spread across his lips. "Still?" 

Anah returned the smile as she found a soft spot to lay down, using the roots of a tree as a pillow and Jack's jacket as a blanket. "Of course. Am I still yours, Princess? Or am I replaced with your girlfriend?" 

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