
13 1 7

Jjong: I'm here~

The bright glow of the smartphone screen drew Kibum's attention away from the mirror he had been looking at for the last half hour. He replied quickly as he took one last glance, totally satisfied with his outfit. A lilac and a white hooded sweatshirt with white trousers and lilac sneakers.

He admits that he takes a long time to get dressed, but it took him much longer today. It wasn't anything extraordinary, but he had been looking forward to today. The two of them were meeting for the first time since Kibum's military release, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't help but be excited. While he likes meeting the rest of them, it's different when it's just the two of them. 

This isn't a date, Kim Kibum. 

He reminded himself before taking one final glance in the mirror, grabbing his sunglasses, and walking out the door. He scanned around for Jonghyun's car but couldn't find it. Just as he was about to call him, a white Porsche rolled upto his street. Kibum rolled his eyes as the car drove up in front of him.

"Didn't you say you were here like 20 minutes ago?" Kibum stated as he shut the car door. "And, didn't you just come out?" Jonghyun responded with a mischievous smirk that gave Kibum a fuzzy feeling in his chest, but he quickly shrugged it off, as he always did, and let out a scoff.

"You'd still be getting ready if I didn't tell you I reached like 20 minutes ago," Jonghyun said as he gave Kibum his Iced Americano. Kibum hurriedly snatched it, sipping on it while mumbling a 'shut up' under his breath.

Jonghyun fired up the engine and drove down the road. Kibum darted a quick glance towards the man sitting next to him. He was dressed casually in a white t-shirt and black ripped jeans, yet he looked magnificent. His arms were bare, displaying his tattoos, with coffee in his right hand and the steering wheel in his left, making his veins pop.

"How are you doing? We haven't hung out in a while." Jonghyun broke the silence in the car. "Yeah, I'm fine, just don't feel like going back to work. What about you?" Kibum said, sipping his almost lukewarm Americano.

"Don't bring up work with me; it ruins my mood." Jonghyun laughed, which made Kibum happy. "So, why an amusement park all of a sudden?" Kibum inquired nonchalantly, though he had stayed up all night due to the excitement when Jonghyun messaged him, asking whether he was free today and coming up with the amusement park idea.

Jonghyun sipped his coffee and shrugged, "I've been wanting to go to one for a while, and it's been a while since we met, so why not?" Jonghyun stated. Kibum nodded, a bit disappointed by the reason, but prioritizing Kibum compared to others is more than enough for him.

Kibum knew nothing would happen between them, which is why he has kept any feelings he has to himself since high school. In reality, Kibum values his friendship above everything else, and he would not jeopardize it for emotions. As the radio took over the silence in the car, he peered out the window, focussing on the passing traffic.


"Ah, this reminds me of my childhood!" Kibum stated as they took their tickets and entered. "It truly does. I honestly miss those times!"

They stood at the entrance, scanning all the rides they could see to decide which one to go to, but seeing all of the enormous rides reminded Kibum of something that made him want to jump off one of them.

He's extremely scared of heights.


Why did I agree to an amusement park trip? 

Did my mind really forget about the biggest fear it created? 

Kibum knew he can not back down now, nor could he show Jonghyun what a coward he is. Plus, he can see how delighted Jonghyun was to be here and how he constantly talked about going to an amusement park. This was not going to end well, and he knew it.

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