viii. mikaela's blessing

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i've done the unthinkable. 

i confessed.

and he accepted.

the angel of the wind has blessed us, and i am thankful for that. i finally feel loved, i'm living in ecstasy, i feel like i'm worth something.

xiao is staring at me in shock, as i am at him, since i don't think either of us were expecting what just happened. just your normal confession over breakfast, i guess. 

the day runs by, dancing across the wind. it goes by in a blur, i'm not even sure what happened most of the day. my happiness is unmatched right now, and that's what matters.

it's about four pm when the others come home, scara first, followed by kazuha and heizou. scara waves around a bunch of small blue papers in his hands.

"my boss gave us all free coupons to the cafe. wanna go? the cheesecake is insane," scaramouche asks.

'cheesecake' catches my ear. this day couldn't get any better. i love cheesecake, probably almost as much as i love xiao. it's just so good.

"me personally, i think we should go. cheesecake is a good enough reason for me," i suggest. 

"i agree with him," xiao nods, smiling at me. a rush of butterflies run through my stomach. he's so pretty, and his smile just makes him even better. it's thrilling to be in love.

"coupons are coupons, my friends. we best go now," heizou yawns lazily, completely in character for heizou. he always seems amused, even more than scaramouche. it's fun with them both, so i don't mind.

"great, let's go see the disaster lesbians that run this shitshow. they're great, promise on the angel of wind," scaramouche says. i snicker at his comment.

the cafe isn't a long walk down the street, it's pretty close actually, which is probably why scara chose to work there. it's not that big, but it's really cozy. and pretty.

"hey scara, these little snowflakes yours?" a brown haired-pink eyed woman shouts from the counter. 

"yeah, beidou. gay little snowflakes," he smirks.

"ningguang, we've got to adopt them ASAP. look at them, they're so adorable," she barks to a white haired lady standing in the back.

"marriage is not equivalent to adopting every gay child you run across, love," she sighs. i laugh. if my parents were like this, i would've been glad to stay.

"damn it. anyway, what would you lot like to order?" beidou smiles. she reminds me of a caring older sister, one that would help you sneak out of the house at three in the morning, or help you dye your hair. 

"a key-lime cheesecake. and maybe some caramel lattes? we'll take a bowl of almond tofu as well," scara says. xiao's eyes sparkle at the mention of almond tofu. i'll have to keep that in mind. scara also seems to notice his delight.

"wait, you like almond tofu?" 

"it's my favorite," xiao says dreamily. 

"then we'll take another bowl, ma'am," i say to beidou.

"anything for scara's friends. in fact, this round's on the house, y'all just enjoy," beidou smiles as she pulls a cheesecake out of the shelf.

"absolutely not. we're paying," scaramouche counters.

"i don't think arguing will get you anywhere, scara. she's kinda hard to convince otherwise," a blue haired lady says, walking behind the counter.

"oh yeah, that's yelan, for the one's who have never met us personally. anyway, she's right. i'm paying, scara, and you can't do anything about it," she raises an eyebrow.

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