Wedding Day Prep~Request

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All the girls in the house were in my room. It didn't feel particularly cramped because my bedroom is huge, but it was still awkward for Nan to see me in my undergarments.

Libby slipped the dress over my head and gasped. I put my hands into the lacey sleeves while she squealed. "Ave! That's perfect! It fits everything you were looking for!" I smile and do a slow twirl. The dress lifts off the ground and follows my body's lead in the circle. Looking back in the mirror, I didn't recognize myself.

The makeup was subtle except for the hints of gold on my eyes. My hair was in a braided bun but half of my hair was down. The dress had lace sleeves, but it was off the shoulder. It had white flowers embroidered on it and poofed out at the bottom.

I looked older, more mature. But that was true. Getting married to Jameson was the first step into adulthood. Well, except for managing billions of dollars. Alisa stepped forward. "You look great! The news will get a kick out of this," she says, eyes on her phone. I grimace.
"I don't want the news at my wedding."

"It's not your choice."

"It's my wedding."
"Don't you want the fame back on you again?"

Alisa was right about that. Not the wanting it part, the part that is has been slipping away. After a while, the press and people got bored of my life, even with the games and the charity balls and everything else.

"No, I don't. I like living a somewhat normal life, and I don't need more news of me. The world is bored of The Hawthorne Heiress, and I am perfectly fine with that," I said, glaring at Alisa.

Alisa rolled her eyes. "Fine. No news," she said, then stormed out of my bedroom. I turned my attention back to the mirror. Thea set the veil on my head. I smiled. I would remember this moment forever.

Nan waggled her finger at me. "That dress shows your entire back. You remind me of me when I was young," she said approvingly.

I sat on my bed and put on my white and gold high heels. Libby helped me up, and I wobbled a little. Rebecca held me steady. Looking around at everyone, reality hit me. I was getting married to Jameson Winchester Hawthorne.

Jameson's Pov:

I stood in my room with Grayson. He helped me with my tie. I trusted him with my outfit because he wore a suit everyday. I preferred to go shirtless.

"Today's the big day. Are you ready?" He asked, stepping away from me. "As ready as I'll ever be." I exhaled a shaky breath. Then there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" I yell, and Nash pokes his head into my room.

"Jamie, get your ass moving. The girls are ready. You got ten minutes." He said, then pulled his head back and shut the door. I sighed. "Same even before parenthood." Grayson laughed.

I looked at the floor length mirror and smiled. Finally, I was getting married to Avery Kylie Grambs. 

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