【Seven Days in the Coma: Day One】

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WARNING: There will be spoilers.

This is Jameson's POV when Avery is in the coma in The Hawthorne Legacy.

T/W: has use of alcohol

I paced back in forth in the great hall. They should have been back by now. They should have- A phone call interrupted my thoughts. I hastily answer it.

"There has been a bomb," I heard a matter-of-fact voice say.


          "It went off as Avery was getting on the plane. She was lucky that she wasn't a step further, or she wouldn't have made it." Alisa says, with no sign of emotion in her voice.

I feel cold. Like my body just stopped working. Like my heart was freeze rayed. Then panic overtook me. "How is she?!" I respond frantically, passing furiously.

"She is alive but in a coma," I hear Oren say in the background. "Unfortunately she cannot be moved because of her condition."

My brain is turning a hundred times a second. "Wait, that means-" I say. "She will lose her inheritance, yes," Oren says gravely. His voice is louder so I assume he is closer to the phone. "Can I come and see her?" I say, now pulling at my hair with my free hand.

"No. Right now it is safest for everyone to stay where they are," Alisa adds, but something catches my attention. I know Alisa well, and that tone is used when she is up to something. "Alisa-" I warn, but she hangs up.

I want to yell. I want to go race at driving a hundred miles an hour to not feel anything. What is this girl doing to me?

It's supposed to be a game. It's supposed to be nothing, yet here I am, freaking out. Then I realize. I fricking love her. I love Avery Kylie Grambs, and she might die.

"Argh!" I yell, sinking to the ground, utterly confused and angry and a million other things. I'm not supposed to love. I am a Hawthorne. We should only care about ourselves. But heiress, my heiress, somehow knocked down all the walls I built up after Emily.

And now she might be gone. I didn't love Emily, or Skye, or any of my brothers. How had I not realized how far I had fallen?


The past few hours were filled with nail biting, research, police interrogations, screaming, and alcohol.

As I was reviewing Skye's file for what seemed like the fifteenth time, the doorbell rang. Expecting a police officer, I open it.

Instead of a police officer, there is a battered and tired Alisa. But that's not what matters. In her arms was a peaceful, unconscious Avery.

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