1. Best Day Ever

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Raife let out a whoop of enjoyment as she cannonballed into the deep end of her town's swimming pool. As she let herself sink to the bottom, she closed her eyes and simply enjoyed the comforting feel of being surrounded by water. Ever since she was 4, going to the pool was her favorite activity. Now, that she was 12, she enjoyed it even more. Deciding she didn't want to drown, she swam back up and breached the surface, taking in a deep breath and treading in place.

This was the only pool in town and, right now, there were surprisingly few here. There were two mothers with their kids in the shallow end while their fathers sat on the side. There were a few more lounging in chairs and enjoying the sun, but Raife currently had the deep end all to herself. And she wanted to enjoy every possible minute of it.

She waved to her older sister, Shale, who was lying on a chair nearby. Where she was mostly light brown with some darkness around her muzzle, Shale had dark fur on her arms from her hands almost up to her elbows. Her muzzle was also much darker and her hair was black, not a bright orange like Raife's. She gave a lazy wave and went back to minding her own business. Typical 16-year-old. But Raife knew she loved her. And she loved her sister right back.

The interesting thing about her and her sister was they both had, in addition to their female bits, penises. This meant that they could both get pregnant and impregnate, though no one's tried to impregnate themselves. At least, not to anyone's knowledge. Their extra limb was very common among their species and was widely accepted, so the little bulge in their swimsuits didn't really draw any attention or angry looks.

 Their extra limb was very common among their species and was widely accepted, so the little bulge in their swimsuits didn't really draw any attention or angry looks

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Their parents were at work but Shale agreed she'd watch Raife for them. She was, sort of. But she was more interested in relaxing in the sun. She was deep in a relaxed state when she heard the sound of wet feet approaching her. She could tell from the scent that it was, in fact, her little sister.

"Yes, Raife?" She asked, not opening her eyes.

"Are you coming in? The water's great."

"Nah. You go have fun."

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