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~ Monday morning ~

Monday morning arrived with a dull ache in Y/n's abdomen, reminding her that her period had made its timely return. She groaned softly, knowing all too well the toll it could take on her emotions. The prospect of dealing with mood swings and heightened sensitivity worried her, especially when it came to her interactions with Jungwon.

As she lay in bed, contemplating the day ahead, Y/n couldn't shake off the nagging concern that her period might inadvertently affect her friendship with Jungwon. She cherished their connection and didn't want her hormonal fluctuations to cause unnecessary tension.

Pushing aside her worries, Y/n resolved to face the day head-on. She reminded herself that open communication and understanding were key to navigating any challenges that might arise.

Taking a deep breath, she climbed out of bed and prepared for the day. Y/n hoped that her usual coping mechanisms and self-care rituals would help alleviate the discomfort and keep her emotions in check.

With a touch of trepidation, she met Jungwon outside their usual meeting spot. His gaze met hers, his eyes filled with a familiar mix of guardedness and curiosity. Y/n smiled, determined not to let her hormonal fluctuations overshadow their friendship.

As they walked together, Y/n found solace in their silent companionship. She reveled in the comfort of his presence, knowing that they could share moments of quiet understanding without needing to fill the space with words.

However, as the day progressed, Y/n could feel the familiar waves of irritability washing over her. The smallest inconveniences seemed magnified, and her patience wore thin. She fought hard to keep her emotions in check, not wanting her frustrations to spill over onto Jungwon.

During a break between classes, Y/n found a moment alone and took a deep breath, attempting to regain her composure. She reminded herself of the importance of empathy and understanding, knowing that Jungwon had his own struggles and guardedness.

The cafeteria buzzed with the usual chatter and laughter as Y/n, Jungwon, Kyujin, and Eunchae settled into their seats. But as Y/n sat there, her emotions bubbling beneath the surface, she could feel her annoyance growing like a storm ready to erupt.

Jungwon opened his mouth to speak, his voice gentle and caring, but before the words could escape, Y/n snapped at him, her frustration spilling over. "Just leave me alone, Jungwon!"

The words hung heavy in the air, their impact hitting both of them like a wave crashing against the shore. Jungwon's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and hurt flickering within them. He rose from his seat, his expression guarded, and silently walked away, leaving Y/n to grapple with the regret that instantly settled within her heart.

As the weight of her actions sank in, Y/n's annoyance dissipated, replaced by a profound sense of guilt. She never intended to hurt Jungwon or push him away. In her moment of emotional turbulence, she had inadvertently lashed out at the one person who meant so much to her.

With a determined stride, Y/n rose from her seat, leaving her unfinished meal behind. She knew she had to find Jungwon to mend the growing rift between them before it became too deep to repair.

Searching the hallways, Y/n's heart pounded with each step, her eyes scanning the faces of passing students. Finally, she caught sight of Jungwon, his shoulders slumped, and his eyes distant. She quickened her pace, calling out his name softly.

Jungwon turned his head, his expression a mix of vulnerability and trepidation. He hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to stay or retreat further into his shell. But something in Y/n's eyes, a flicker of remorse and determination, made him pause.

Y/n reached him, her voice filled with remorse as she spoke, "Jungwon, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. It was never my intention to push you away. Please, let me explain."

Jungwon's guarded gaze softened, his walls starting to crumble as her words seeped into his wounded heart. He stayed, albeit hesitantly, giving Y/n a chance to express herself.

Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as she continued, her voice filled with sincerity, "I was dealing with my own emotions, and I let them get the best of me. You mean so much to me, Jungwon, and I never want to hurt you. I understand if you need space, but please know that I value our friendship more than anything."

Jungwon's gaze softened further, the fear and hurt slowly giving way to a glimmer of hope. He took a deep breath, his voice laced with vulnerability, "Y/n, I was scared... scared that you didn't want anything to do with me anymore, that you would abandon me like my family did. But... I don't want to lose you either."

Y/n's heart ached at the admission, her voice filled with reassurance, "Jungwon, I will never abandon you. I'm here for you, through the ups and downs. We all have our moments of frustration, but it doesn't change how much you mean to me."

Tears welled in Jungwon's eyes as he finally allowed himself to be vulnerable, opening up to the possibility of forgiveness and understanding. He reached out, his hand trembling, and Y/n instinctively took it, their fingers intertwining.

In that moment, their friendship was stronger than ever, forged through the fires of misunderstanding and healed by the power of their friendship.

Y/n held Jungwon in a tight embrace, feeling a mixture of relief and gratitude. She never wanted him to retreat back into his shell, hiding behind his protective layers. The thought of losing the progress they had made, of losing the connection they shared, was unbearable.

Jungwon, enveloped in Y/n's warm embrace, felt a sense of solace wash over him. Her genuine remorse and willingness to mend their friendship reassured him, offering a glimmer of hope that he had longed for. He allowed himself to be vulnerable, to let his guard down in her presence.

As they stood there, embracing one another, the weight of their shared emotions lifted gradually. The tension that had strained their friendship began to dissipate, making way for healing and understanding.

Eventually, they pulled apart, but their hands remained intertwined, symbolizing their commitment to each other. Y/n looked into Jungwon's eyes, her voice gentle yet firm, "Jungwon, I promise to be more mindful of my emotions and how they can affect our friendship. I never want to hurt you like that again."

Jungwon nodded, his voice soft but resolute, "And I promise to try and communicate my fears and worries better. I don't want to misunderstand your actions or push you away."

They shared a silent understanding, both recognizing the importance of open communication and empathy in their relationship. They knew that overcoming challenges together would only make their bond stronger.

With a renewed sense of closeness, Y/n and Jungwon walked back towards the cafeteria, hand in hand. As they reentered the bustling room, the atmosphere seemed to shift, as if the universe acknowledged their reconciliation.

Their friends, Kyujin and Eunchae, watched their return with relieved smiles. They had been worried about the tension that had momentarily strained the group, but now, seeing Y/n and Jungwon standing united, their hearts swelled with joy.

Y/n sat back down at their table, Jungwon by her side, and looked at each of her friends. Her gaze carried a silent message, an unspoken promise to cherish their bond and nurture their friendships. Kyujin and Eunchae exchanged knowing glances, understanding the significance of this moment.

As the lunch period continued, laughter and conversation filled the air once again. Y/n, Jungwon, Kyujin, and Eunchae found solace in each other's company, their friendship acting as a balm for the wounds of the past.

Through forgiveness, understanding, and a renewed commitment to each other, they realized that their bond could weather any storm. They were no longer just friends; they were a family, a support system that would stand by each other through thick and thin.

And as the day unfolded, Y/n couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the unbreakable connections she had forged. In that moment, she vowed to treasure every laugh, every tear, and every shared memory with the people who had become her second family.

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