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Y/n walked into her house, her heart still heavy with the memory of the boy in the hoodie and mask. She was greeted by her mother and her little brother, who hugged her tightly as soon as she walked in.

"Hey, Y/n! How was school?" her little brother asked excitedly.

Y/n smiled and ruffled his hair. "It was good, little bro. How was your day?"

"It was great! I learned how to ride my bike without training wheels!" he exclaimed.

Y/n's mom chuckled. "He's been practicing all day. He wouldn't stop until he got it right."

Y/n sat down at the table and ate the meal her mom made for her, telling her family about her day at school. As she talked, she found herself mentioning the boy in the hoodie and mask.

"There's this boy in my class," she said, her voice trailing off as she thought about him. "He always wears a hoodie and a mask, and he doesn't talk to anyone. I tried to talk to him today, but he didn't respond."

Her mother looked concerned. "Is he okay? Does he need help?"

Y/n shrugged. "I don't know. He seems really lonely and sad, but I don't want to push him too much. I just want to let him know that I'm here for him if he needs me."

Her little brother looked up at her with wide eyes. "Maybe he's like Batman! He wears a mask, so nobody knows who he is."

Y/n and her mom chuckled at her brother's comment, but Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of worry in her heart. She knew that the boy needed help, but she didn't know how to reach out to him without making him feel uncomfortable.

As she finished her meal, Y/n decided to do some research online to see if she could find any resources or tips for helping someone who was struggling with social isolation. She knew that she couldn't give up on the boy in the hoodie and mask, no matter how difficult it might be.

~ Time skip ~

After finishing her dinner, Y/n excused herself and went to her room to do her homework. But she couldn't shake off the feeling of concern for the boy in the hoodie and mask. She decided to do some research online to see if there was anything she could do to help him.

She googled "people who isolate themselves from the world and others" and read several articles on the subject. She learned that social isolation can have a negative impact on a person's mental health and well-being. People who isolate themselves may be dealing with a variety of issues such as anxiety, depression, or trauma. She also found that the best way to help someone who is socially isolated is to be patient, kind, and supportive.

Y/n took notes as she read, trying to come up with a plan to help the boy in the hoodie and mask. She realized that the first step was to let him know that she was there for him and that he could talk to her if he needed someone to talk to. She decided to approach him again the next day, but this time with a different approach.

She finished her homework and got ready for bed, hoping that tomorrow would be a better day. She fell asleep with thoughts of the boy in the hoodie and mask, wondering how she could help him feel less alone.

~ Time skip, the next day ~

The next day, Y/n woke up feeling determined to help the boy in the hoodie and mask. She walked downstairs to the kitchen, where her mom was making breakfast for her and her little brother.

"Good morning, Y/n. Did you sleep well?" her mom asked.

Y/n nodded. "Yes, I did. Thanks, Mom."

Her little brother was already seated at the table, munching on a piece of toast. "Good morning, Y/n! Are you still thinking about the boy in your class?"

Y/n smiled at her little brother's concern. "Yes, I am. But I did some research last night and learned more about social isolation and how it can affect a person's mental health."

Her mom raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What did you find out?"

Y/n explained what she had learned the previous night, about how social isolation can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. She also mentioned that the best way to help someone who is socially isolated is to be patient, kind, and supportive.

Her mom nodded thoughtfully. "That's good to know, Y/n. I'm glad you're taking this seriously and trying to help this boy."

Y/n finished her breakfast and headed out the door, feeling a sense of purpose. She walked to school with Kyujin and Eunchae, thinking about what she was going to say to the boy in the hoodie and mask. She knew that she couldn't just sit back and do nothing, she had to try and reach out to him.

As they walked into the classroom, Y/n spotted the boy in the hoodie and mask sitting at his desk, just like the day before. She took a deep breath and approached him.

"Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. I won't push you to talk if you don't want to, but I want you to know that I care about you," Y/n said softly.

The boy looked up at her, his eyes peeking out from behind the mask. Y/n could see a glimmer of gratitude in his eyes.

"Thank you," he whispered.

Y/n smiled, feeling a sense of relief. She knew that it was a small step, but it was a step in the right direction. She was determined to help the boy in the hoodie and mask feel less alone, even if it took time and patience.

~ In class ~

During class, Y/n whispered to Kyujin and Eunchae about what she had learned about social isolation and how they could help the boy in the hoodie and mask. They listened intently and agreed to support Y/n in her efforts to reach out to him.

At the break, Y/n, Kyujin, and Eunchae approached the boy as he was packing his bag to leave. But as soon as he saw the three of them, he quickly walked away, his hood and mask still covering his face.

Y/n felt disappointed but not discouraged. She knew that it would take time and patience to gain his trust, and that it was important to respect his boundaries.

"Maybe we need to give him some space and approach him slowly," Y/n suggested to her friends.

Kyujin nodded. "Yeah, maybe we could start by just saying hi to him when we pass him in the hallway. We don't want to overwhelm him."

Eunchae added, "And maybe we could also invite him to join us for lunch, but make sure he knows he doesn't have to talk if he doesn't want to."

Y/n smiled at her friends, feeling grateful for their support. "That's a great idea, guys. Let's start by taking small steps and see where it leads us."

With renewed determination, Y/n and her friends decided to take things slowly and patiently, but always with the hope of helping the boy in the hoodie and mask feel less isolated and alone.

Y/n, Kyujin, and Eunchae sat down at a table in the cafeteria, feeling a little deflated after their unsuccessful attempt to approach the boy in the hoodie and mask.

"We need to figure out a way to get his name without stressing him out or making him run away," Y/n said, tapping her chin thoughtfully.

Kyujin nodded in agreement. "Yeah, maybe we could ask the homeroom teacher for his name. That way, we won't have to bother him too much."

Eunchae chimed in, "But we should make sure not to draw too much attention to him. He clearly doesn't like that."

The three friends decided to act on Kyujin's idea and approached their homeroom teacher after lunch. They asked him if he knew the name of the boy who always wore a hoodie and a mask, explaining that they were concerned about his well-being and wanted to reach out to him.

The teacher hesitated for a moment before revealing the boy's name. "His name is Jungwon. Yang Jungwon," he said. "But I would advise you not to bother him too much. He's very private and doesn't like attention."

Y/n, Kyujin, and Eunchae thanked the teacher and made a mental note to approach Jungwon with caution and respect. They knew that gaining his trust would take time, but they were willing to put in the effort to make him feel less isolated and alone.

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