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~ Time skip ~

Y/n slipped into her bed, feeling exhausted after the long day. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to relax her mind. But as soon as she closed her eyes, thoughts of Jungwon flooded her mind.

She couldn't shake off the image of him sleeping on her back, feeling so vulnerable and peaceful. Y/n couldn't help but wonder what kind of nightmares he was having and why he was so guarded all the time.

Y/n grabbed her phone and sent a text to Jungwon, hoping to check on him before she fell asleep.

"Hey Jungwon, I just wanted to make sure you're doing okay. Let me know if you need anything."

She put her phone down on the nightstand and waited for a response. A few minutes later, her phone buzzed.

"Thanks, Y/n. I'm doing okay. I'm just tired. Goodnight."

Y/n smiled, feeling relieved that he was doing okay. She turned off the lights and drifted off to sleep, hoping that Jungwon would have a peaceful night's rest.

~ Saturday ~

As Y/n arrived at the orphanage, she saw Jungwon sitting on a bench in the garden. He had his head down and seemed lost in thought. She walked over to him and sat down beside him.

"Hey," Y/n said softly. "How are you feeling today?"

Jungwon looked up at her and shrugged. "Same as usual, I guess. I'm just tired."

Y/n nodded. "I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Jungwon shook his head. "No, it's okay. I'm used to it by now."

Y/n didn't want to push him too much, so she changed the subject. "Do you want to do something today? Maybe we could go to the park or something."

Jungwon hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Sure, that sounds nice."

Y/n smiled and stood up. "Great, let's go."

They walked to the park together, enjoying the warm sun and the fresh air. Once they arrived, they sat down on a bench and watched the kids play.

After a while, Jungwon turned to Y/n. "Thank you for being here with me. It means a lot."

Y/n smiled. "Of course, I'm always here for you. You don't have to go through this alone."

Jungwon nodded, looking grateful. "I know. And I'm sorry if I'm not always the easiest person to be around."

Y/n shook her head. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I understand that you've been through a lot."

Jungwon smiled at her, and Y/n felt her heart skip a beat. She didn't know what it was about him, but she felt drawn to him in a way that she couldn't explain.

As they sat there, enjoying each other's company, Y/n realized that she was starting to develop feelings for Jungwon. She didn't know if he felt the same way, but she knew that she wanted to be there for him no matter what.

~ Time skip ~

Jungwon looked surprised when Y/n asked him to come to her house for dinner, but then he nodded silently. Y/n could sense that he was still nervous, so she tried to lighten the mood.

"Don't worry, my mom is a great cook," she said with a smile.

Jungwon nodded again, and they started walking towards Y/n's house. On the way there, Y/n talked to Jungwon about her family and how much she loved spending time with her little brother Jaehyun.

When they arrived at Y/n's house, her mom greeted them warmly and showed them to the dining room. Dinner was already prepared and smelled delicious. They sat down and started eating while making small talk.

After a few minutes, Y/n's mom turned to Jungwon and asked him about himself. Jungwon hesitated for a moment before starting to tell them about his life in the orphanage and how he was struggling to cope with the loss of his family. Y/n's mom listened attentively, offering words of comfort and support.

Y/n was proud of Jungwon for opening up, knowing how difficult it was for him to talk about his past. After dinner, they spent the rest of the evening watching a movie together.

~ In Y/n's room ~

Jungwon felt self-conscious as he removed his hood and mask, revealing his face to Y/n for the first time. He could feel her staring at him, and he wondered if she was judging him or feeling sorry for him.

Y/n, however, was taken aback by how handsome he was. She had seen him wearing his hoodie and mask every day, and she never imagined he would look so good without them. She couldn't help but stare at him, but she quickly composed herself and smiled at him.

"You're so handsome, Jungwon," she said, and he blushed.

"Th-thank you," he stuttered, feeling embarrassed.

Jungwon felt a rush of emotions as Y/n said he could sleep on the bed with her. He had never been so close to someone before, especially not a girl. He felt grateful and nervous at the same time. He didn't want to mess things up or make her feel uncomfortable.

Y/n noticed Jungwon's hesitation and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, Jungwon. I don't mind sharing the bed with you," she said with a reassuring smile.

Jungwon nodded slowly and sat on the edge of the bed, taking off his shoes. He climbed under the covers, and Y/n turned off the light, settling in next to him. They both lay there in silence for a while, listening to the sound of each other's breathing.

Suddenly, Jungwon spoke up. "Thank you for everything, Y/n. You've been so kind to me, even though you barely know me."

Y/n turned to face him, her eyes glinting in the darkness. "Of course, Jungwon. You deserve to be treated with kindness and respect, just like anyone else."

Jungwon smiled slightly, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. He couldn't believe he had found someone like Y/n, who accepted him for who he was and didn't judge him based on his past or his appearance.

As they drifted off to sleep, Y/n's hand found Jungwon's, and she held it tightly, as if to say that she was there for him, no matter what. Jungwon closed his eyes and allowed himself to relax, feeling safe and content in her presence.

~ In the middle of the night ~

Y/n gently shook Jungwon's shoulder, trying to bring him out of the nightmare. "Jungwon, wake up," she whispered softly.

Jungwon's eyes shot open, and he gasped for breath as he sat up, his whole body trembling. Y/n wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close and rocking him gently.

"It's okay, Jungwon. It was just a dream," Y/n murmured, her voice soothing. "You're safe here with me."

Jungwon buried his face in Y/n's shoulder, his tears wetting her shirt. Y/n held him tight, feeling his body slowly relax in her embrace.

"Thank you," Jungwon whispered after a few minutes, his voice hoarse. "Thank you for being here with me."

Y/n smiled softly, rubbing Jungwon's back. "Of course, Jungwon. I'll always be here for you."

Jungwon leaned back and looked at Y/n, his eyes red and puffy from crying. "You're the only one who's ever been there for me," he said softly. "You're my only friend."

Y/n's heart broke for Jungwon, knowing how isolated and alone he must feel. She hugged him again, holding him close. "You're not alone anymore, Jungwon. I'm here for you, and I'll always be your friend."

Jungwon smiled weakly, his eyes closing as he leaned his head on Y/n's shoulder. "Thank you," he whispered before drifting back to sleep in her arms.

Y/n held him close, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment wash over her. She knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would always be there for Jungwon, her friend, and confidante.

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