Eye catching... (R-T x reader)

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Notes: f/g= favourite game
They/them gender neutral pronouns, R-T being cute + not proofread yet (Apologies if I disappeared for forever 🧛)
Ah, Starr park. A totally innocent looking park filled with the laughter of all ages. Accompanied by the diverse brawlers, it sure is a fun place. However a certain robot watches over everyone! I mean-
Watching OVER everyone! It sure is fun living in Starr park!
"[Name] is a beloved brawler amongst the brawlers, majority of the brawlers like them! I mean who wouldn't like them?! They're charming, sweet, adorable and cute...!" R-T was blabbering to himself, while watching over the cameras in front of him. Casually watching the lives of the brawlers, right in front his very own eyes.

It seems that he might have developed a small crush on [Name] after they had a small conversation. They caught his eye. It was definitely a sight to see. However, he's a tad too shy to confess, so all he could do was watch them from the distance or through the hidden cameras.

However on one fateful day, he happened to bump into [Name]....
"Oh my! R-T, i'm so sorry-!" [Name] yelled in panic, as R-T just stared at them. Even if he doesn't have a mouth, you could tell R-T was grinning by just looking at his eyes...
"It's okay, [Name]. I'm alright." R-T replied to them with the same usual tone.

[Name] sighed in relief as they helped R-T get up.
"Well, how are you doing R-T? I didn't expect to see each other again like this!" They let out a chuckle as R-T just admired them.

"I'm doing great! Thanks for asking! What about you [Name]? How are you doing?" R-T asked. He was secretly hoping he could take this conversation to a deeper level.

"Well, not so well. I've been feeling kind of lonely lately and just generally down..." [Name] replied to R-T.

[Name] could swore that they saw R-T's expression change into a more saddened one.

"Oh indeed."
There was an awkward silence between them before R-T breaking it.

"Well, do you want to hang out with me? To feel less lonely of course...!"
R-T's voice slightly glitched, which made [Name] concern.
"R-T, you don't sound very well to me. Are you alright...?"
R-T felt himself getting nervous as he tries to calm down.

"Y-Yeah, i'm all good!"
R-T gave [Name] a thumbs up, which made [Name] smile sweetly at him.
Gosh, just with a single smile, R-T could feel himself getting even more nervous.

"Well then, let's go somewhere [Name]! At least that'll make you feel less lonely right?"
R-T gave [Name] a hopeful look. [Name] returned the look at him.
"Yeah, let's go somewhere..."
"Thanks, R-T.."
They were now in the arcade, looking at the fun filled land. There were some brawlers they could recognise and many guests. There were many arcade games and even claw machines!

"Wow , R-T! The Arcade was a great choice!"
R-T chuckled as he rubs the back of his head.

"Haha, thanks [Name]. I thought this would be a great place to play f/g!"
"How do you know my favourite game? I never told told you..."

R-T panicked a bit before quickly finding an excuse.
"Rico told me..."
[Name] just stared in confusion before letting it slide.

"Well what are you waiting for? Let's go and play!"
[Name] quickly grabbed R-T's hand as they started to run towards f/g. Within a simple touch, R-T could feel his non-existent heart skipping a beat.

Although he's just a robot whom designed to be a helpful kiosk, he could feel humanly emotions. Love particularly. It made him feel warm and fuzzy, it felt nice too...
Hanging out in the arcade was fun. They had their moments, high scores and memories but time's arrow marches, now it was late. It was a starry night, the cold breeze of the air befalls among the two as they exit the arcade.

"Thanks for the day R-T. It was really fun!" [Name] expressed their gratitude towards R-T. Even the smallest compliments were making the poor robot flattered.

Eventually, they sat on a bench looking at the night sky. The moon was shining brighter than ever.  The stars surrounding the sky makes the moment feel atmospheric. Only the gentle breeze of the wind can be heard.

It was silent. Too silent. No words were spoken. R-T was admiring [Name]'s face carefully. How their face illuminated in the moonlight, gentle winds blowing their hair. They looked stunning in the dark.

When [Name] turned to R-T, he quickly looked up to the sky nervously, hoping that they didn't see him staring at them for the past few minutes. [Name] looked at R-T for a bit before gently holding his hand.

This caught R-T off guard, as he practically felt himself go limp.
R-T looked at [Name] to see them giving a smile. He could swore that he saw a small flush on their cheeks.
R-T's facial expression changed to a more cute one. His eyes were changed into hearts, his mouth was like cat like.

He just sat there, leaning to [Name]. [Name] let R-T lean to them gladly, enjoying the cute moment between them. Perhaps this is the beginning of something between them.

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