The show started, and Gloria's beautiful face popped on the screen. Both Jenna and Persephone rested their heads on my shoulders.

"So.. How did you find out?" Jenna ate some ice cream.

"I went to his frat house since he wasn't picking up anyone's calls, and as I was walking upstairs to his room, I heard some moaning, I didn't think about it though, they all usually had girls and guys at their house, until I opened his door and saw, a guy, I think his name is Damien on top of him kissing without shirts nor pants!" Persephone explained.

"But are you happy for him though, I mean, he came out?" Jenna said giving her a small massage on her shoulder.

"Well yes... but I wasn't happy that he cheated on me and then came out. You know, I just wish that he told me first that he is gay, and then it would have been a healthy break up." Persephone said muting the show.
"What are we doing!?" She said all of the sudden.
"Uh..watching modern family?" I took some ice cream.
"We should go to this party that his frat house is hosting. I mean, I have invations , so we could go to show that I am not hiding now with my besties, because my college "boyfriend" cheated on me with a guy!" Persephone said jumping up-down on her bed.
"Party...I have to first check with my brother." I said trying to calm her down.
"Come on, call him. I bet that he is going to the party too, you know him and Terrence both work in the country club every summer. I literally saw him five days ago at the ice cream shop with Caspian!" Jenna sipped on her Pepsi.
"Fine"I said as I called him.
"What now Indigo?" He sounded like he was doing the dishes in the kitchen.
"Uh... are you going to that frat party?" I asked biting my lip.
"Yeah, what did Persephone get you invites?" He asked.
"Okay, you just have to listen to me until I get drunk, and Callum is coming, but he probably will be wasted in like an hour through the party. You girls are not drinking, Persephone will drive us home since she is the only one that is not going to consume alcohol and can drive!" He said it on speaker.
"Okay we all heard you." Jenna said.
"Going to pick you up in front of P's house at 9 PM." Caspian said while the call ended.

We all have clothes at Persephone's house, since we usually get ready for parties at her home. Soo I went through my stuff and found some black jumpsuit that had no sleeves, and looked like a corset.
I just curled my hair a little bit and putted Persephone's lip gloss and touched up my mascara. I sat there scrolling on my phone watching Jenna and Persephone get ready. Jenna wore a black babydoll slim dress slim dress with her hair down, while Persephone wore a beige dress on straps and her brown/blonde wig. Now the two of them were doing their makeup.

Callum🤡: y'all ready already we are in front of the house.
Indigo: Yeah they are just putting setting spray on and we are gonna head out.
Callum🤡: be quick pls


We got in the car and Caspian took a quick look at all of us.

"Woah, Persephone you are 17" Caspian said eyeing Persephone's outfit.
"And you are 18, what is your point?" Jenna said, defending Persephone.
"Okay, I am taking care of you tonight-" Caspian started his usual "I am a good big brother" speech.
"Yeah we get it, we can talk to boys and maybe a little kiss but not making out, you already had that speech a hundred times!" I scrolled on my phone.

We got to the party.

You know the usual frat house parties? Red cups, beer pong tables, alcohol, people dancing to very loud music and making out. Yeah that's how the party looked like.

I pushed a couple that was dancing together and sat on the couch.
Jenna was trying to flirt with Samuel maybe like second year in a row.
Samuel went to their school and he was a really beautiful guy, but he had an off-and-on girlfriend Stassie, so Jenna would take every chance to flirt with him while he is still single, because by her calculations he will be taken when Stassie comes back from Cabo in two weeks, so she is trying to prevent that.

Persephone is nowhere to be seen. Probably flirting with someone too. And I am left alone.

And then a guy approaches me.

"Hi, I am Henry." He gives me his hand for me to shake it.
"I am Indigo, it's nice to meet you!"

Henry has brown hair, like a dark one, and cute flushed cheeks. He also wears glasses that really suite him. And he is handsome?

"So with who did you come?" Henry sips, on what can I see grape soda.
"With my three friends Jenna, Persephone, and my brother Caspian and his friend Callum"

"That is nice" he said smirking.

"Soo... do you have a boyfriend?" Henry asked me all of the sudden.

Then he started putting his hand on my thigh.


"Baby..." I felt an arm draped around me.


"Hi babe!" I felt secure.

"Is this guy bothering you?" Callum asked me looking immense.

"I was just leaving" Henry got up, seeing Callum's forceful arms around me.

"Thank you Callum." I smiled.

"You're welcome" he pulled me in a hug.

I needed a hug.
No actually-
I needed his hug.

Because Callum hugging skills are supremely good.

The party continued on. People playing drinking games, dancing and mostly having fun.

I had my girls.

Because Jenna's flirting attempt failed and Persephone just got bored, we started dancing. Caspian joined us too.

"Girls, we-we gotta go!" Caspian said grunting.

Okay he is extremely drunk.

"Okay I will go get Cal" I said, taking a picture Caspian's drunk face.

"Come on Callum let's go" I said grabbing his arm.

He was wasted. Ew, and he smelled like he bathed for five straight hours in tequila and beer.

"Aphrodite, please help me-" Callum brushed my hair.


Now let's act like we don't care, and just brush it off, then we could overthink it before bed.

"It's Indigo, but also people call me Indy, Digo, Ina, Dee, or my all time favourite, a nickname given by your drunk best friend Gogo" I was trying to get him in the car.

Persephone drove us to her house. We usually slept after parties in her home since her bedroom was in the attic, and it's not a tiny attic, it's a gigantic one.

Jenna, Persephone and I putted Callum and Caspian to sleep.

gently some would say.

Jenna would say that we dragged them to bed like they were dolls who not feel a hundred strong blows to their head.

but who cares.

Aphrodite... Aphrodite.....


the summer of hateWhere stories live. Discover now