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Callum POV:
      *few days later*
Okay life is shitty. Not "everything and everyone hates me", it's just "I don't have my dream girl" shitty. I thought dating Angelina will solve all my questions about Indigo, especially the one do I actually like her or not? And the answer is yes. I have been miserable without her these past days since Angelina and Indigo don't get along so she doesn't want to hang around her at all. That means that she doesn't hang around me, which leads up to the fact that I miss her blonde hair and blue eyes.

Angelina is not my only problem, Caspian is too. I mean how do you come up to your best friend that you have knew for years to tell him:

"I am in love with your sister".

Like you cannot just do that. That is breaking the bro code or whatever rules the two of us came up with in elementary school. So I had a plan. Actually a whole mapped plan in my word document how to get Indigo Henley also know as: my dream girl.

1. Get Caspian attention and blessing
-Since he is his beautiful sister's bodyguard I have to get his blessing that I really like Indigo and that I won't break her heart.
-How will I do that?
1.Breaking up with Angelina(obviously)
2. Being kind to Indigo (buying flowers, saying nice things, buying her books and supporting her Taylor Swift obsession, her birthday is in 14 days so that is an reason to buy her "The eras tour" tickets that she has been ranting about.)
3. I don't know what to write here, but probably spend good amount of time with Indigo in front of Caspian so that I can show him I am a good gentleman.

-find a way to speak to her alone and tell her about your feelings

I wish it was that simple.
Angel do you want to come over? Gotta talk to you
Yeah, coming over

I am doing the first step: breaking up with miss Daddy's money.

"Hey Blondie?" I called out Indigo's nickname, her head coming up as she drew something in her journal in the dining room.
"What's up Callum?" her usual smile that made me weak in the knees greeted me.
"Angelina is coming over-" I started.
"Oh I am on my way out. I-" she muttered.
"Let me finish my sentence. I am going to break up with her." I assured her.
"Wait why? I thought that you guys were in love." She continued drawing with her head down.

She is not you. I wanted to say.

But how?

"Uh things are not working out." I lied.
"Well I am just going to go to my room while she is here. I assume this will be quick since you broke so many hearts that you are used to say "I think we should break up". She giggled.
"You really think that of me?" I asked her.
"Yeah, you probably dated three quarters of the female school population." She started picking up her stuff.

Help her, you idiot!

"Well I believe that there is the certain someone for everyone" Indigo started"for you will be a mental health professional!"
"Pretty funny Henley." I hissed.
"You think that I am pretty Beckett?" Indigo laughed.

Yeah I think you are beautiful.

I rolled my eyes instead.

Then we heard a ring.

"Tell her I am not here." Indigo said sprinting to her room.

And believe me she was fast

It is soo odd that she trains volleyball and not athletics.

I opened the door Angelina's face popping up.

"Babe, how are you?" She said getting in the household.
"Well great. We have to talk" I took her hand"preferably outside."
"So what is all this fuss about babe?"I gave her a death stare "oh my god, you want to propose to me. Yes, I will marry you."

I am sorry but how did Indigo get accused of being jealous over this girl? Angelina's highest grade is probably Indigo's lowest one.

And that is a B.

"No, it's not that. Listen, I think we should break up, it's not working out." I said flatly, looking at two of her tears that rolled down both of her cheeks.

Is it weird that I choose the tear on left side of her face to race the one on the right one?


"How could you do this to me?" She started hitting her fist into my chest.
"Respectfully, violence is never a solution."I pushed her hands away from me.
"Ugh, if anybody asks I broke up with you and you are miserable. Get it Beckett. I can't lose my reputation."
"Whatever you say." I got in the house.
"Blondie you are not in your room?" I plopped myself next to her on the comfiest sofa ever.
"How did the breakup go?" She paused her episode of the Gilmore girls"Did her ego take it well?"
"It was a quick one. I don't really like the girl"I started to play with Indy's soft hair, remembering that when we were little I used to call her Rapunzel.
"Why did you break up with her?" She asked me all of the sudden"like I thought your relationship was okay."
"You will see"

"Oh please. What do you have something very important to do before you tell me?" She smiled"anyways, tomorrow is the Fourth of July, you know "what the fuck is a kilometre?" day, so because mom is coming in like three days maybe we can make a party?"
"I am in for "my pronounces are U.S.A" day party, but we have to ask Casp? I will manipulate him though." I assured her.
Caspian walked into into the room.

About the devil.

"I eavesdropped on you, and I am in, no need to manipulate."
"Yes!" Indigo jumped up and down, hugging her, very shocked brother who wasn't used to that much affection from his sister.
"Okay I am going to invite everyone, but right now I want to go on a run" she waved us a quick good bye.

Silence, a door closing echoes around the room.

"So you love her?" Caspian asked me all of the sudden, while offering me a beer.

This is a tricky question.

"Uh, yes. Well I am in love with her. Please don't abuse me." I opened the can, and slowly drunk it, in case he wants to poison me.
"I won't give you shit, but how?" he turned on a football match that we both know we won't pay attention to "I thought you hated her. Like a month ago on our first day here, you were saying"I don't stand Indigo" and now you are in love with my little sister."
"It just sort of happened Casp. And how did you even realise that I love her?"
"It's the way you look at her, like you will do anything to just talk to her, for God's sake, you would do anything to just be in the same room with her. When we are out with our friends, and they make her laugh, you wish you were the only funny guy in the room so you can hear the giggle that you adore. When she is present you always pay attention to the smallest details, for example is she comfortable or did she eat and drink water today. You would defend her even if she is the wrong. You definitely have my blessing Cal, but if you fuck it up, I am going to find you, and you won't be carelessly breathing like you always do."
"Thanks Caspian, but I will tell her I love her, on her birthday, I think it would be special." I said to him, giving him a wide smile.
"So, it's third July, you have 15 days then." Caspian got up from the sofa, and ran towards the kitchen.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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