Indigo POV:

I am sitting on a bathroom counter, and there are positive pregnancy test everywhere around me, but then my mom starts eating them. When she is done with them she starts eating my belly.

What the fuck?

The nightmare goes on.

I can't breath...

Come on you can breathe...

Just open your eyes...

"Indigo are you okay? Come on wake up! Breathe, in and out!" I hear a soothing deep voice.

My breathing starts to go normal and I finally open my eyes.

"You are safe, you are with me." I realise the mystery voice is actually Callum. And I am sitting on his chest.


"How am I safe when I am with you?" my attitude comes back after the panic.

"Oh, here is the attitude, kicking right back in after the panic attack. Do you usually get them?" Callum plays with my hair, and I can't get enough of his smell.

Ewww... why am I soo clingy with him all of the sudden?

I finally let go of him, sitting in front of him on my king size bed, while he seats, his back meeting the headboard of the bed.

"No, I don't usually get panic attacks, it was just a nightmare." I answer, taking a sip of my water from a Stanley that has been sitting on my bedside table.

"What kind of nightmare?" he takes my water and gets a sip too, I don't mind, I'll just wash it later.

"You won't tell anyone?" I ask holding my picky finger in the air, waiting patiently for him to shake on it.

"Of course" he smiles.

"Soo, it started by me peeing on some sticks." I start to explain.
"Like pregnancy ones?" he gets comfortable on my bed.
"Yeah, what did you think, wooden ones? Anyways, my mom is next to me, and the tests are positive. And the positive tests are everywhere you look, behind you, in front of you, next to you. My mom, all of the sudden starts to eat the pregnancy test like they are pasta, and not plastic, she eats them all of course. Then she is still hungry, and starts to eat my belly, who in fact has grown like crazy. It looks gigantic. And when she starts to bite, a baby fells out of my stomach, and it has my mother's head. And says in my mom's voice "You disappointed me!" I am out of breath.

Callum is of course watching me in horror like I killed his dog.

"Are you scared of having kids too soon?" Callum is looking at me, and then I noticed that he is wearing glasses, which reminded me of my therapist.
"No, I have a huge baby fever. I guess I am scared of if I did get pregnant at a young age that my mom would be disappointed. I actually always have this pressure, you know: if I get a bad grade, my mom would hate me" I said.
"That's messed up Indy. Do you want me to stay? I mean I could, but I will have to get back to the guest room across the hall before Caspian wakes up."he sounded comforting.
"Thank you, but I think I will be okay." I got under my covers.
"Sweet dreams this time Hanley." He hugged me tight.
"Good night"

He got out of my room and I slowly fell asleep.

*the next day*

"So how did you sleep everyone?"my mom is looking at us and pouring milk, I stare at my scrambled eggs like they are the most exciting thing in the whole world.
"Good" my brother and Callum say in the same time.
"How about you Indy?" My mom gives me a glass of milk with some cocoa powder for me to put in it.
"Uhh.. yeah, good I guess. How about you mom?" I eat finally the eggs that I have been eyeing for like a century.
"Good, good. So kids I am going to go into town to help Maya with the store. Soon she will be going to this festival, for like, a week." my mom packed some containers in her gigantic purse, waving us a goodbye with her free hand.
Maya is my mother's sister that had a the most popular juice bar in the state. My mom usually helped out when we came to the town, so she decided that today was the best one to do so.
"So what do you want to do guys?" I started to clean up the kitchen.
"Do you want to go to the boardwalk?" Caspian drank his coffee.
"Sure" Callum was looking at his phone.
"This will be exciting, let me go get ready!"
"Wait why are you excited?" Callum asks me.
"Because when we go to boardwalk, my brother likes to flirt with a bunch of girls there, and because he is a huge jerk, they say to him "honey you look hot, but your personality is shitty." I say with a huge smile on my face.
"Oh, I am so ready for this" Callum patted Caspian's shoulders.
I run up to my room. It's kinda windy outside so I don't want to get cold in shorts, so I get a grey tank top, and put some overalls over them, and of course to top it off some jewellery.
"Okay we can go now!" I say putting on my chuck Taylor converse shoes, that probably seen enough.
"Finally." Caspian opens the door.
We go to the boardwalk by bikes. Callum got Caspian's old bike, but he was still faster than me.

We finally got there.

We started by getting some ice cream. Caspian got a blueberry and chocolate scoop, Callum got chocolate and raspberry, and I got a raspberry and strawberry one.

There were some girls pointing at Callum and my brother.


Like, how could you be interested in those boys?

"Hello Ladies" my brother waves.
"You are the dumbest person ever to exist! Like what the heck, what normal human being, in the 21st century comes to girls, using the word "ladies"?" I laugh.
"Agreeing with you on this one Indigo" Callum licks his ice cream.
I see a girl approaching. She has hazelnut hair in a ponytail, her brown eyes and full lips are staring at us.
"Hey,  my friend really likes you? Could you maybe give her your phone number?" She asks Callum.
"Like him? Yeah right. I can barely hold back my puke just by looking at him." I laugh.
"Very creative way to describe your feelings towards me Hanley." Callum types his number in the girl's phone.
"I think that you do like him." The girl accuses me and Callum raises his brow.
"And why would you think that? I have taste." I snap.

Yeah, we were on the boardwalk for a long time.
And Callum got asked for number five times, and Caspian, well once.

And also...

Caspian got embarrassed in front of girls because of Callum and me at least ten times.

We should go to the boardwalk often.

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