"You know you might actually have a point there," Jirou spoke up with a nod. 

"CAN YOU QUIT BUILDING A GARDEN AND GET YOUR LAZY ASS OVER HERE AND HELP ME?" Bakugo yelled as he fought off creeper after creeper on Minecraft, Kirishima leisurely building a fence for the garden and his cattle. 

"I told you not to go in that mine. You don't listen," Kirishima said, somehow already used to the yelling. 

"He's right, you don't," Eli called out, just to instigate because she could. 

"SHUT UP DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M TALKING TO YOU?!" he yelled, his face already red from anger. 

Midoriya was playing Uno with Iida, Tsu, and a girl named Kendo. 

"THAT IS AGAINST THE RULES. YOU CAN'T EXPECT ME TO PULL 16 CARDS!" Iida shouted as he grabbed at the instructions, trying to find where it said this was distinctly against the rules. 

He wouldn't even let them start playing until he had fully read them, front and back. 

"You started it by trying to make me pull 4 cards," Kendo smirked. 

"That is completely within reason!" Iida replied, his face blushing red as he sighed, tossing the instructions aside, his head hanging in shame as he picked up all sixteen cards. 

Eli smirked to herself. She had already taken the part of the instructions that said you couldn't stack card after card like that. She always found that way of playing was more fun. 

"Ha, you class 1A losers will never-" Monoma started, Eli perking up at his louder tone as he pointed his finger at them with a crazy grin on his face. 

"I will knock the shit out of you," Kendo said, raising her enlarged hand. 

"Ooh, pfft," Eli laughed as she covered her mouth from her chuckle. 

The door to the center slid open, calling obvious attention as Hitoshi waltzed in with Mezo, a bland expression on his face. 

The occupants of 1A stared at him and for some reason, she felt the feathers on her wings spike as she saw this. Her eyesight blurred through her glasses and she winced as she removed them rubbing her eyes as gently as she could so she wouldn't fuck up her eyeliner. 

Bakugo watched this. With a quirked eyebrow, he wiped the sides of his face, seeing the sweat gathered on his hand from his forehead. With a scoff, he stood up and tossed the controller to somebody beside him. Some 1B guy(it was definitely Testu). He walked briskly over to Eli and snatched her out of her seat. 

"The fuck is wrong with you?" she instantly cursed, mostly out of surprise. She'd been so focused on Hitoshi for the last minute that Bakugo had quite literally come out of nowhere. 

He rolled his eyes, his grip on her shirt only tightened as he began to drag her out of the classroom. 

"Hey, what the hell?! Let her go!" Hitoshi glared harshly at Bakugo. 

"Back off eyebags, I'm just following the rules," he gruffed back, continuing to drag a relenting Eli. "Take it outside remember?" he followed up. 

It was at that moment that she realized that he wasn't actually hurting her and she was strangely confident that she could remove herself, but when the winds whispered...

"Listen to him, you're getting upset," they whispered. 

Glaring at the floor, she picked her glasses up, and tossed them to Hitoshi. She yanked her wrist away from Bakugo matching his mean mug. She pulled her jacket from the chair and threw it over her shoulder, walking off with a sour expression. 

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 16 ⏰

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oh, shit // bnhaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ