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**alright so look, something is discovered in this chapter that is a BIG fucking stretch and crazy coincidental, but pls go with it, i have reasons for these things. 




When Eli woke up the first time, it was 2 AM and she was being told she was being moved to a better room like her doctor had told her the day before. When she woke up the second time, it was 4 AM, and she was being told that Recovery Girl had arrived to partially heal her enough so that she could leave soon.  

She didn't quite remember what exactly they talked about, but she remembered the old lady's lips on her hand, and then she was out like a light again. 

When she woke up the third time, it was a reasonable time of 10 AM, and though she felt literally over the moon, she didn't feel any pain in her body like she assumed, but since she knew she still wasn't fully healed she realized that it was the pain meds. All of this was confirmed later by Shouta who was sitting on the bed next to her, quietly drinking a cup of coffee. 

"Morning kid," he told her, wearing a small smile that made her eyes widen. 

"Mmmmorning Mr- Shouta," she said, grumbling through her words as she tiredly corrected herself. 

She heard a small chuckle as she adjusted her body to sit up. With a yawn, she was hunched over with her legs crossed as she tiredly rubbed her eyes before looking at her now lightly bandaged hand.

Her eyes felt heavy, and her head felt light, and she found herself smiling softly. It gave her a familiar feeling, one similar to the one she used to feel before she arrived 200 years in the future.  But this feeling seemed to be a lot stronger. 

Then, the door opened, pausing her observation. 

"Ah, Flower-san, I see you're awake," said the same doctor from before, Dr.Tanaka. 

"Oh, hi," she said with a small wave while wearing a tiny grin. The doctor wore a bigger smile than the day before. 

"Of course, as you know from this morning that Recovery Girl came by and healed 3 more of your ribs and healed you enough so that your hand will be able to heal correctly now, so you can be discharged today along Aizawa. Your father is expected to come to pick you up," he said simply, making her eyes widen at the name. 

"I don't have a-" she started before she stopped herself. 

'Wait a minute, is he talking about Hizashi!? I thought I was off my ass when I heard him say, daughter? Wait a minute, am I about to be fucking adopted? DON'T TELL ME I MISSED MY OWN ADOPTION!' Eli's mind raged as she thought it through. 

Maybe it was the pain meds that made her so expressive as of right now, but she couldn't find it within herself to care.

Shouta on the other hand was thoroughly amused at her reaction, and he could see the panic and embarrassment on her features when Dr.Tanaka referred to his husband as her father. They hadn't talked about it with her, but they talked about asking if it would be okay, especially upon overhearing her conversation with her mothers 2 days ago. 

"Okay," she said with a nod. 

"As for now though, there is someone who wishes to speak with you," he said, and Eli found herself looking around, spotting her glasses on the table next to her, to which she grabbed and slid on her face. 

The door was opened by the doctor, who opened it wider to reveal Principle Nezu, Hitoshi with a couple of things in hand, and Hizashi behind him. 

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