Chapter 9:Wrath of the Rain God

Start from the beginning

"You look pale, are you okay?" Arren asked me, looking at my direction.

"I-I'm fine..."

This is definitely not good. My vision is getting blurry, and my body feels awfully heavy.
Arren sat near me and started to wrap his arms around me all of a sudden.

"What are you doing?!"

"I-it's not what it looks like! I'm just keeping you warm that's all...Just as I thought, you already catched a cold."

His body was like a thick blanket, I can feel the warmth of his embrace. But still, we're in a very awkward position. Why is he suddenly enforcing body heat?

"Thanks again."

"S-shut up, I'm not doing this for you."

Yah yah...I know it already. So that sensei wouldn't blame him for being unreliable.
Even though he's quite angry of the school's authority, he seems to care about the teachers. Speaking of it, why is he even mad at the agency? I don't know, maybe he actually has a grudge against the king himself.

Us, being puppets of the agency. That's what he told us on our first day in the special class. What does he meant by that? He has an unclear motive.

But there's one thing that I know, he's a good person I'm sure of it. All that happened in this day, it's a strong evidence of it. This person holding me right now, I know that he has a valid reason for his actions. Maybe just maybe...I can trust him after all.

Seeing that I'm a little bit okay, he stopped hugging me afterwards. We both blushed over it, but I'm still thankful for all that he have done for me today.

"Have you wondered why we're separated from everyone that fast?" He said.

"Huh? Yes...and we got lost as a result."

"It's actually because of someone's barrier. We can't be lost that easily, everyone is quite near us if you ask me. We just can't see them and neither do they."

So that's why his incantations awhile ago to alert the others about our location was pretty long that he wasn't able to complete it quickly. Usually, a spell for telepathy is short enough to be casted in just one minute. I know it because Seiji always uses it to communicate with me during class.

It's clear to me that Arren was attempting to break the barrier around us all along. Why do I just realized it now! Seriously, I'm being hopeless again.


He continued the incantation and after a short time, it was completed.


The barrier became visible to us and it made loud noises as it slowly breaks down. The spell is working! Great! Now we can finally escape this place.

"Huh!" Arren suddenly held my arm and we hid at the big rock beside us.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's the same sound I heard awhile ago. This time, it's becoming louder." He replied.


Before I could talk, I heard what he was trying to tell me. I got really scared after hearing those ominous sounds.

"Stay here, I'll go check the barrier on the other side of the cave."

"No! It's dangerous out there! What if the monsters find you?!"

"Idiot! Just do what I say, it would be more dangerous if we remain here any longer!"

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