Jackass.....the cruel man

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The sun was up in the sky, shining like the brightest star it already is. The wind was blowing, birds were chirping, people were busy with their own lives and it had been two days since Harry's parents told him about the 'proposal'.

It was his day off. He was casually roaming the streets of Los Angeles while thinking about what his parents said. They knew he always wanted an alpha and to have a family with his alpha. But the thing is, he just got a job, moved to a whole new country, and started a new life and within a week he gets an arranged marriage proposal, which can change his life quite drastically.

Well, maybe he's exaggerating a little, however, the idea of an arranged marriage was quite unforeseen to him. Especially when the only knowledge he has about arranged marriages is from his books.

And to add more to his misery, he never dated anyone, it's just that he loved books so much that his teen years were spent mostly in a corner of an old library, reading. When he was sitting in his room and falling in love with fictional characters, dreaming about holding hands and dancing in the rain, people his age were experiencing it. It's not like he regrets it, no, nope, not one bit, however, it would have been good to have some experience.

But if he is true to himself, he must admit that one part of him wants to say yes almost immediately. The hopeless romantic part. The part of him which craves handwritten love letters, dances in the kitchen, cuddles while watching the sunset and so much more. The part of him which claims that this could be the beginning of something he never felt before.

He was walking aimlessly, busy with his thoughts when he caught a glimpse of a couple. An old couple, to be precise, were holding hands while talking to each other and giggling like little kids. Looking at each other, like they are the most precious treasure ever. The old man pulled something out of his pocket and gave it to the old lady, who accepted it and immediately pulled him into a hug, it was a pair of earrings.

And at that moment, Harry was very sure of what he wanted in his life. He's going to say yes and accept the proposal, try with all his might to make it work and if it doesn't work out then that's okay, he may get hurt but he'll be fine, he'll be alright. He had a hopeful smile on his face when he walked back to his apartment.

"Hi, beautiful, what are you doing?" he greeted his mother while walking into the kitchen. She was making lunch for the three of them. "Making lunch, Gemma called by the way," she replied while chopping tomatoes. "Oh, okay" replied Harry while looking for his phone.

Why do I always lose my phone? He thought to himself. Because you're an idiot, said another part of his brain. "Shut up," he said out loud without realising. His mum looked at him, "Did you say something?" she asked him. "No, nothing," he replied while banging his forehead on the refrigerator door by accident. She looked at him sceptical but said nothing.

Harry cleared his throat loudly and said, "Mum, I was thinking that I-uh-um" he took a deep breath "Iacceptthemarriageproposal," he said in one breath. His mum looked at him, concerned, "Honey, are you okay? Do you need water?". " NO, I mean yes I-just well, I just wanted to say that I accept the marriage proposal," he said trying to be as nonchalant as possible.

"Honey, that's great news also I got a call from Cara the other day she said Louis wants to court you, isn't that nice?" said Anne, happily on hearing that Harry felt that it was generous of the alpha, Louis, to do that. "That's nice," he replied.

Harry grabbed his phone and went inside his room to take a shower.

Harry grabbed his phone and went inside his room to take a shower

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