chapter 2, sobbs of packing

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Vance grabbed his best shirts, some jeans, socks, jorts and other necessary stuff he would need for the camp. Since vance would be there for a few months, he will get some of his life savings he has been saving for a pretty long time because who knows what if he wants to buy something we'll most likely steal it.

"Fucking..stupid bitch." Mutterd vance as his mother came up, knocked on the door and vance saying come in. She came in looking sad, she would miss her sin but she knows this is for his best and that's what all matters to her for her son
"Oh dear, I will miss you" said Mrs hopper as vanve turned around seeing his mother frown. "My sweet angel, is growing and leaving me all alone I remember how you used to be by my side at all times and now.. look how much you grown my love." Said Mrs hopper as she smiled. Vance felt bad for leaving his mother all alone, he came closer and gave her a hug to his sweet mother.

She cried into his arms, wishing she could have her little boy back. She wished he was still her small boy, her sweet innocent boy. Vanve rubbed Mrs hopper back hearing fight sobbs coming from Mrs hopper. "It's fine ma, I promise you I will come back." Said vance as is mother smiled and left vance to pack since he had a day before leaving.

He finshed packing and he decided to check on Instagram to see what were people doing around this hour. He laughed at some of the stupid stories his friends had made. As you see vance was scrolling through his pictures and he seen many memories he had with his old friends. He laughed at the pictures he deeply missed his old friends git ever since vanve went to jail, his friends ghosted him and when he came back he had no one at first.

Vance used to be a nice sweet teen bit ever since he came back from jail he changed, his personality, looks, body everything changed. He came back even more stronger which that is why he was known for the strongest guys in Denver and no one ever messed with him, ever.

bruce was packing his stuff, happy of finally leaving this shit for a few months. Of course he would miss his father and he hopes when he comes back his mother or as she would be gone. He packed his clothes and many more excited that he would leave and maybe meet new friends! He finshed and got his phone out to see the reels on Instagram.

He laughed at a dog video, he clicked on stories seeing how people alrwsyd started there summer fun he smiled seeing teens hanging out with there moms on mother day. He felt a teat go down from his cheek seeing a memory that was posted showing young bruce kissing his mother cheek while she wa smiling. Oh how much he love his mother back then, but now she changed. She stopped being  nice to bruce she stopped caring for him and Maybe even loving bruce.

Bruce closed his phone tucking himself to bed sobbs were heard around the quiet room. He sobbed into his stuffed bear, teddy. He cried and cried, he hugged his teddy bear and sobbed again he wished someone would love him, he wished his mother did.

Sorry this is short imm sleep bit next chapter is when they get to teh bus and on camp!!!! Imm post on my other story tomorrow then I will post on here!!

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