Chapter 1

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Wednesday, 9:20pm 

"Hey Y/n, thank you again for staying after closing to help me clean." Geto said walking inside from taking out the trash in the back of the shop. 

"It's no worries!" You threw the towel into the laundry basket after finishing wiping down the countertops. "Anything for my favorite boss!" 

"I'm your only boss!" Geto playfully bumped his shoulder into yours. 

"That doesn't mean you still aren't my favorite!" You giggled as you did a walk through to make sure everything was put away and cleaned up. You really would do anything for Geto ever since he gave you the opportunity to work as a piercer in his tattoo shop. Most people rejected you since you were a baby in the industry and didn't have the time or energy to oversee you. Geto saw your potential and could see your passion especially after you showed him that you pierced your own belly button after you got certified. 

"Whatever you say." Geto rolled his eyes as he grabbed his keys and messenger bag. "Do you need a ride home?" 

You threw your purse strap over your shoulder while checking to see if your boyfriend had texted you. Usually your boyfriend would pick you up from work, but he hadn't been responding to any of your text messages today. "Yes please. I think Danny passed out on me again." You huffed as you stuffed your phone into your purse. 

Geto wrapped his arm around your shoulder as both of you walked out of the back of the shop. "Lucky me, get to take my cutest employee home." He locked up the backdoor and you were thankful he couldn't see the small blush form on your face. Geto was cool, nice, and handsome. It was hard not to blush when he gave you a compliments especially he rarely complimented anybody. 

You hopped into the passenger seat of his black 1970 Chevrolet C/K truck that he had explained to you the struggle he faced restoring it all by himself. He complained how it took him over a year to find all the necessary parts and perfecting the engine to run like a dream. You don't know shit about working on cars, but you can appreciate a nice car when you see one especially his truck. 

He pulled out of the parking lot and turned on some music, gently playing in the background. "So, you wanna tell me what's been going on between you and Danny? These past couple of weeks, I have been giving you a ride home." He paused and shot you a sweet smile before continuing. "Not that I am complaining." 

You half heartedly smiled back at him, loving and hating how well Geto could read you. But you didn't even know what was going on with Danny. "I don't know." You raked your fingers through your hair. "He's just been a little distant and I am guessing it's because of his crazy work hours. He has been working 14 hour shifts and I completely understand that he is too tired to come get me after all that." 

"Well I am here for you and I won't hesitate to kick his ass if he keeps acting like a dick to you." He squeezed your shoulder, caringly. Heat rushed towards your cheeks and you just softly giggled. 

"Best boss!" You gave him a silly thumbs up as Geto pulled up in front of your apartment building. "Thank you for the ride! I'll see you Friday!" You said, giving him a quick hug before closing the car door. You saw him wave goodbye before you headed into the lobby of your building. 

You unlocked your front door and strolled inside. "Danny!" You yelled as you turned on the living room lights. Silence. Eerie silence was the only response you got. You headed towards your bedroom and quickly turned on the lights. Your heart dropped when you saw multiple boxes lying next to the bed and no sign of Danny. All the boxes had your name on them and as you picked up the letter resting on top of the bed, you knew exactly what was happening. Tears streamed down your face as you read the letter Danny left you. 

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