Chapter 14: First Steps

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And during their lengthy talk, the two smiled at each other, happy to have made a new friend.


This had to be one of the tensest conversations Luigi has ever had.

All that bravado he had built up in front of the gate disappeared the second he stepped aboard the main airship. And for a myriad of reasons. Firstly, the vessel was massive. Luigi felt like an ant compared to anything. He assumed it was close to the size of a cruise ship back home, but he has never been on one to be certain. He barely reached the railings; every time the sails moved, he felt like he was going to be swept away. Then there were the soldiers, who were not happy about his presence, shooting daggers at him despite Bowser walking beside him.

And lastly, of course, the absolute gauntlet of a task Luigi decided to undertake.

How exactly was he, an ordinary man, supposed to relate to a king, a well-respected (and rightfully feared) leader of a much higher social standing? It seemed impossible for Luigi to bridge the gap between their social statuses. He couldn't help but feel intimidated by the king's power and authority, which made it difficult for him to speak his mind freely. He wondered if the king would even bother listening to his opinions or ideas, given that he was just a normal man.

However, at the same time, Luigi didn't want to come across as subservient or inferior in front of Bowser. He wanted to keep his dignity and self-respect, even if it meant challenging the king's decisions or actions. And the least the Koopa King needed was one more person that was too afraid to even give him the time of day. Luigi wasn't going back on his word.

He was not joining the others in their treatment of Bowser.

So, here he sat, discreetly watching as the King of the Darklands made coffee for the two of them. Luigi couldn't help but watch his movements. Bowser was rather methodical while preparing the drinks; it was rather interesting seeing someone of such size move about with a small kettle with delicate movements. It was even more so since he looked so calm, and Luigi had only seen Bowser's fury or his negativity.

Luigi shook his head and forced himself to avert his gaze; he's been told by his people-watching tendencies don't bode well with others and Bowser was not going to be an exception. Instead, Luigi focused on his office. A bookshelf was pushed against the wall; leaning forward, he could read a few titles. There were books on war planning and combat (no surprise there) and a few science fiction novels (judging by the outrageous titles). The rest of the small library was predictable titles, but one caught him by surprise.

Caring for Chomps, Piranha Plants, and Other Deadly Pets: Expert Edition.

"You're going to go cross-eyed doing that."

Luigi jumped slightly. Bowser looked over his shoulder, an impish glint in his eyes before they shifted into a neutral expression. The king turned around, holding one small cup in one claw and a more appropriately sized one for him in the other. He took a step forward and offered the ceramic cup to him, "Just realized we don't have any coffee rations left; best I can offer ya is tea," he said.

Luigi raised his hands. "It's fine! T-tea works just fine for me," he stammered.

Bowser snorted, more like an acknowledgment of his words than out of irritation. He took a sip from his own tea as he walked around his desk and took a seat, slightly shaking the room. Luigi shyly took a sip of his own drink, unsure of how to start the conversation. He knew nothing about Bowser, so there were so many things he wanted to know; however, he didn't know where to even start or when the boundaries lay. Luigi cleared his throat, trying to break the awkward silence that had settled between them. "So, um, Bowser...what do you like to do in your free time?" he asked tentatively.

Bowser raised an eyebrow, surprised by the question. "Free time? Haven't really had much of that for some time," he replied gruffly.

"Oh, I see," Luigi said, feeling a bit disappointed and utterly embarrassed. Of course, Bowser wouldn't have any time for hobbies! He was reconstructing the kingdom, like he was supposed to. That was such an embarrassing way to find common ground...

But then Bowser chuckled, a deep rumble that again shook the room. "I'm just messing with you, Greenie. Of course, I have hobbies. I like mechanics, sometimes I even make toys for Junior when I can and as you've probably noticed, I do like my fair share of reading."

Luigi's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?"

"Yeah, I'll find bits and pieces here and there. Doesn't really take much and Junior will pretty much accept anything I make him,"

Once again, Luigi was taken aback a bit. Making weapons was one thing and he was sure the king was capable of such a thing, but building something as minimal as a toy? Bowser, the infamous villain who had caused so much trouble since (according to Peach's words) his rise to the throne, had quaint hobbies like reading and inventing. And finally, some common ground! Luigi drummed his fingers on the cup, "Y-You know, I also dabbled in inventing. Mechanics, to be specific," he said.

Bowser raised an eyebrow. "Mechanics? What, you build your own kart?"

"Eh, not exactly," Luigi said, wondering what a kart was. "A few years ago, while starting a business, I found this old van and fixed it up!"

Bowser snorted steam; a new reaction Luigi had never seen before. He wondered what it meant exactly; did it mean disbelief? Impressed by such a simple thing? Luigi wasn't sure, but maybe if they could keep these talks going, he could further understand his form of body language. They fell into another awkward silence before Bowser broke it by asking about Luigi's interest; yearning to escape the silence and slightly happy someone asked him for his hobbies, the human obliged.

The talks were awkward and clumsy.

Sometimes, they would answer a question and sometimes they wouldn't.

Eitherway, Luigi was appreciative of this small meeting; even if it took some time forBowser to warm up to him, the king was of fair conversation. It planted a smallseed of hope, and that's all Luigi needed. With respect and patience, perhapshe could come to call the king a friend after all.

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