Just let me heal you

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No one POV
The duo finally reached Nezuko's porch as she unhinged Muichiro's arm from her aching shoulder to fumble with her house keys.

Nezuko quickly jammed the metal in the key hole as she was frantic to get the ailing boy inside. She didn't want her neighbors to see her bring a boy inside at night while she was showing so much skin. They would definitely get the wrong idea. Millennials.

Muichiro POV
I felt her swiftly grab me once again and drag me inside the walls of her warm house by my upper arm.

I watched as she chucked her keys while setting me down on her velvet sofa. She then left for the kitchen and rushed back with a first aid kit. My eyes followed her every move. I could look at her all day.

"Jesus Mui" Nezuko shrieked as she eyed my injuries underneath the fully lit living room. She frowned as she showed me my reflection in a hand mirror. My bottom lip was busted in the corner, I had a bruise on my left cheek the size of a lollipop and as the cherry on top blood was seeping out of the side of my head relishing along my temple.

I watched as she flicked open the kit and kneeled on the floor in between my legs. Her delicate fingers grabbed my jaw to turn my head to the side. She gasped.

"Are you serious you even have a head injury too? What the hell were you thinking" Nezuko huffed.

I was thinking about you.

I hazily watched as she picked up cotton and dipped it in some liquid and brought it to my face. I didn't hiss or anything .Yes it stung like a bitch but I was numb to the pain. This is nothing, my heart has felt more pain

Nezuko discarded of the first cotton ball and picked up another. She dipped it in the same liquid and roughly rammed it on my cheekbone this time. "Ahh Nezuko !" I glared at her noticing the sudden cloud of irritation in her big crystal pink eyes.

"Are you gonna tell me who the hell did this to you"she placed her hand on her hip glowering down at me. I sighed knowing this was coming. "Drop it Nezuko, It doesn't matter anymore" my expression was bleak. She glared at me. +

"Stop looking at me like that. I might kiss you" +

"Muichiro! I'm not kidding around. Just tell me what happened or you can see yourself out"she crossed her arms over her bust. Her tinted cheeks didn't match her angry words.

"It was Rui" I said flatly. "Your golden boy was running his mouth about how he'd fuck you and make me watch". I locked my jaw out of habit. She went silent.

"I-I can't believe Rui would say something like that. He's always so sweet to me" Nezuko visibly saddened.

I scoffed. How could she still be sad or even care about that guy?

"Well don't worry about 'Rui' Nez" I mocked his ridiculous pet name. " I lit his ass up". "If you think I look bad you should FaceTime him". 1 "Wait fuck that delete his number". +

Nezuko has been standing between my legs with an unreadable expression this whole time. I began to taut that she would associate me with her violent dad. My doubt was cut short when she leaned down and pressed her plump lips to the bruise on my cheek.

My heart palpitated. It would have been better if she licked it

"Thank you Mui. Really. We only just started being friends days ago but you're already beating people up for me"her pink eyes were gentle and intoxicating. +

"Not a problem Nez. At least I won" I took the opportunity to smirk. Nezuko giggled bending down to resume working on my wounds.

Her pretty face increased its proximity to mine as she treated the wounds one by one. I stared at her features. The time came to clean my head wound. Nezuko stood up from kneeling and came closer between my legs. It took absolutely all of my willpower not to think about her boobs as she was as still wearing just a sports bra. Don't be a pervert dumbass I told myself. I moved my head to put some distance between my face and her bust. Since she was standing, this was the only time she was taller than me.

"Mui stop moving" she commanded looking at me annoyed. "I can't properly see your wound it's so far back on your head" she added. I acted on impulse and brought my arms up securing them around her waist, holding her in place while she was straining to treat the wound. I felt her freeze for a moment before continuing. Holding her so close feels so nice. I can feel her warmth. i scolded my self for being so needy.

Nez unaware of my busy mind reached over my knee and picked up gauze. She began wrapping it around my head and tying it off.

"There. All done" she beamed. "Thanks Nezuko" I weakly said as I suddenly felt drained. Without any warning I pulled her closer to me as I laid my bandaged head on her soft chest. I hugged her like a body pillow.

I felt her give in and wrap her arms around my neck. She grabbed a handful of my salmon locks and started combing through them before quickly stopping herself. "M-Muichiro you can let go now"She stammered. I clicked my tongue at her for cutting the moment short.

She seemed to pick up on my displeasure and replied, "if you're really tired go hug the bed not me" she stated matter of factly. "Let go. I need to get changed and shower anyway"she told me with her small hands on my chest. I whined but released her from my tight grip nonetheless.

She stepped out from between my legs and began climbing the staircase. "You." She stopped halfway up and pointed at me. I raised my eyebrow. "Don't move until I get back. Stay there and rest Tokito-Kun" she turned back around and resumed ascending. + +

Nezuko POV
After my shower I left the bathroom and changed into a cropped tank top that ended above my belly button and a pair of black Nike pros. I wasn't trying to show off to Muichiro or anything, this is what I would normally wear to bed. (Or so she says)

I descended from the staircase and walked over to the sofa to see Mui knocked out. He must be exhausted

"Muichiro, Wake up" I called out to him. I didn't want to wake him but I had to. His clothes were all muddy and bloody and his sleeping position didn't look comfortable in the slightest. +

Knowing he was passed out and calling him would be useless, I climbed on his lap and squished his cute face. The moonlight penetrating our windows reflected off his open mint green blue eyes. He gave me a adorable toothy grin, not grumpy from being woken up at all. I returned a cheeky smile glad that he was feeling better.

"Muichiro our clothes are too dirty to sleep in and I might pass out from the smell of dried blood". +

"That's a lame excuse. Just tell me you want my clothes off" he looked at me bored. +

"What! No you idiot" My face felt hot at his snarky response. "Just get up I have a change of clothes up in my room".

I held his arm to aid in his movements. Once he stood up he seemed to finally notice my outfit. +

"I-is this what you wear to sleep" he gulped looking down at me biting his lip. "Yeah sometimes" I answered dumbfounded. My room doesn't have ac so I tend to wear tank tops to bed. And who in the world wears bras at night I thought defending my choices. Regardless I pulled chunks of my hair in front of my chest masking what it can.

Once we entered my room, I walked over to my dresser and tossed Muichiro a pair of grey Nike sweatpants. I had hoped he wouldn't ask any questions as to why I have them.

"Ah sorry Mui I only have this hoodie for you to wear to bed. My mom got rid of all my dads shirts when he left our lives" i shot him apologetic look.

"It's fine . I got a better idea"I stood there as he ripped off his T-shirt and tossed it. As if it hasn't enough, my cheeks burned for the nth time today as i looked at a topless Muichiro .

My shy friend or boyfriend?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن