Just let me heal you

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No one POV
It was about 7 in the evening when Nezuko changed into ripped jean shorts and a playboy hoodie. She felt the urge to go for a run since there was a gorgeous Friday sunset outside. Tying her white air forces she grabbed the keys and locked the door.

She was home alone. And was going to be this whole entire weekend because her mom left for a company trip. That was the special news broken to her after Muichiro left. Nezuko didn't complain, for she knew her mom has been doing the heavy lifting. That's not to say she was ecstatic of being all by herself in a big house. Especially with the occasional uneasy feelings she gets of someone watching. Nezuko shuddered while running, pushing the thought out. +

She was fully enjoying her evening run. It looked like the sky was on fire with orange and red hues fighting with the blue. Deciding that it was getting late and she should head back before dark, Nezuko turned the corner to her street.

Before she could run another step, her eyes caught sight of a figure lying on the concrete barely moving. Creeped out for thinking it was a passed out drunkard she almost left the scene when blue caught her eye. Nezuko squinted hard
no thanks to the setting sun. She walked a little closer under the illuminating lamp post when her suspicions confirmed a head full of long flowey black hair with turquoise highlights. 'What the fuck' she thought as she jogged crossing the street.

Nezuko POV
I stood over Muichiro and even the lack of sunlight couldn't hide his gushing blood and busted lip. I immediately bent down kneeling on the concrete against his side in horror.

"Muichiro? Hey wake up" I pleaded doing anything and everything to disrupt his unconscious state. I tugged on his hair and cupped his cheek under his defined jaw.

"Muichirooooo" I shook him desperate to leave this shady street corner since the sun had completely disappeared now. He grunted.

I kept lightly shaking him as he stirred finally fluttering his eyes open. "Nezuko? What's wrong" he reached for the tear I didn't know fell. Jeez was I that scared something bad would happen to us that I started crying? I thought unbeknownst that it was actually because of the painful state Muichiro was in.

I quickly pushed his hand away as I got determined to carry him back to my house and nurse his wounds. I'm gonna help him like he helped me I thought recalling past events.

"Get up Muichiro We're going to my house"I declared. He only grunted as a reply when placed his arms around my shoulder to support his walk. Good thing my house was not far on the block. Maybe like the first 2 or 3 houses down. +

The mood was solemn as my mind raced with thoughts and emotions. Muichiro got beat up. Bad. God knows what would have happened to him if i wasn't on my run. I felt a pit grow in her stomach.

Before we could pull into my backyard I halted our movements and let Muichiro lean against the fence under a street lamp post. He grunted at the action.

"Why'd we stop?" He groggily asked with his eyes dimly open. I started pulling my arms off the sleeves of my playboy hoodie before answering him.

"Here. Wear this. It might be a little small on you but you need to put the hood on so my nosy neighbors don't see us and report it to my mom" I extended my hoodie in front of his chest waiting for him to take it. His eyes scanned me as he cocked an eyebrow. Which I just noticed has a slit in it now, an after effect of the fight. I bit my inner cheek finally noticing how hot he still managed to look while beaten up. He looked badass and I admit I have a thing for that I was drawn from my unnecessary thoughts when he spoke. "Put that back on this instant. I'm not gonna wear it"he challenged. I crashed my brows together.

"Mui this isn't the time nor the the place to be stubborn" I said flatly in annoyance. He once again scanned me with his eyes. The entire me.

"I'm not gonna let you walk around wearing just that sports bra. I can literally see -" I slapped my hand over his mouth not wanting to hear the rest of that sentence. After pleading and promising him food he finally wore the hood. Under the condition that I would stand on his left side so he could do what he can to cover my exposing outfit.

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