Chapter 21

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You laid in bed on a Saturday afternoon, mindlessly watching TV as you recovered from your accident. Tommy has been very protective and caring of you ever since he brought you home from the hospital.

He wouldn't let you leave the bed unless it was to go to the bathroom or take a shower. So, you laid with an ice pack on your forehead because your head still hurts like a bitch.

They've began finishing up their album and they originally wanted you to be in the video but then your accident happened and you weren't well enough for it. It was fine, though. You told them Crystal could be in it. Crystal was more than willing to do it. She'd taken a liking to Mick, they have a spark between them that is undeniable.

"Ugh I'm gonna fucking kill myself." You groaned as you stared up at the ceiling, paying no attention to the show that was playing. Shelly just looked at you before laying her head back down.

"Hey babe," your husband walked in the room with a smile on his face. It pissed you off just a little bit that he was all happy go lucky and you were stuck bedridden with a horrible headache.

"You look way too happy for my liking." You snapped. Tommy didn't take it personally knowing what mood you were in.

He sat down on the bed and laid on his side next to you, slowly stroking your arm which brought you comfort, "I'm sorry you're feeling like this. I got your prescription on my way home from the studio."

Your eyes shot open and a smile graced your lips, "Really? Oh my god I fucking love you!"

He smiled and handed one to you, along with a glass of water. You took it gratefully even thought you don't really like swallowing pills.

You kissed him roughly and it quickly turned heated, but he pulled away from you. You whined at the loss of contact.

"You have a headache, baby. You need to rest." He said softly before kissing your head and then sitting up to pet the dog.

~Time Skip~

Finally your headache had let up and the boys' album was released. You of course went to the record store to buy it. Tommy was going to just give you one for free but you wanted the experience of going to the store on release day and get the record.

It's been a tradition for you ever since you were a kid. When you dad wasn't home, your mom would take you and your brother to the record shop and let you pick out a new album from your favorite band/person. The excitement you felt when you picked it up for the first time was incredible.

And like almost all the Motley albums, you had it on repeat. Which always drove your husband crazy.

"I've been playing these songs over and over in the fucking studio I don't need to hear it more before tour!" He'd complain but never made you shut it off.

Because he loved how you'd sing along to every lyric and dance around as you'd clean or do whatever it was you were doing.

"Your mom is crazy." He whispered to Shelly. Of course, she didn't really understand what her human was saying, she just gave him kisses.

Tommy has been secretly and subtly referring to you as Shelly's mom. Because truth be told he wanted a child of his own and of course he wanted you to be the mother. He wanted to try the title out for a bit before asking you about kids.

And then, that night came. You were eating dinner at the dinner table this time instead of using TV trays watching a movie or show.

"Look, Y/n." He spoke softly. You furrowed your brows and he continued, "We've been together for about three years now? Married for two, I think it's time we maybe start trying for kids?"

Your eyes widened in shock, you knew he wanted kids you could see it in his eyes when you'd go out in public and he'd see a kid with their parents. But you didn't think he'd say it upright.

You smiled softly, "Yeah, I'd love to have kids with you."

"Then let's start trying right now." You squealed when he picked you up bridal style and sped up the stairs to your bedroom. He threw you onto the bed and took his shirt off. You did the same and unclasped your bra.

Tommy climbed on top of you and kissed you passionately, groping your tits.

"I can't fucking wait to get you pregnant." He said with a stupid ass smile on his face causing you to laugh and playfully pushing him away.

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